liu-annie / chronos

Modeling of time series data for CRISPR KO experiments

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Chronos: an algorithm for inferring gene fitness effects from CRISPR knockout experiments.

Joshua Dempster

A full description and benchmarking of the algorithm are available in a preprint:

When to use it

Chronos is well suited for any CRISPR KO experiment where:

  • You measured initial pDNA sgRNA readcounts and readcounts at one or more later time points.
  • You might have one or more cell lines.
  • You might have one library, or be combining data from multiple libraries.
  • Genome-wide or sub-genome coverage.
  • You expect most cells to be proliferating.
  • You expect the majority of gene knockouts to have little to no effect on proliferation.
  • You might or might not have copy number data for your cell lines.

Chronos may not work well for:

  • RNAi experiments. Chronos makes biological assumptions that are fundamentally incompatible with RNAi. Try DEMETER 2.
  • Rescue experiments. If most cells are dying, we can't offer any guarantees of Chronos' performance.
  • A focused essential gene library, for the same reason.
  • Multi-condition experiments where your only control is a late time point (such as DMSO). Chronos requires pDNA abundance.

Chronos is competitive with or superior to the other CRISPR algorithms we tested given readcounts from only one late time point, but it will perform even better with multiple late time points if your experiment has them.

You can also use several Chronos tools independently of running the full model. The most relevant is alternate_CN, a copy number correction method that accepts any gene effect matrix and a gene-level copy number matrix and returns a corrected gene effect matrix. Additionally, calculate_fold_change will convert a readcounts matrix into a fold change in relative abundance using the same procedure as DepMap uses for calculating the Achilles logfold change file. nan_outgrowths will remove readcounts suspected to be caused by clonal outgrowth (see Michlits et. al., for a description of this phenomenon in CRISPR screens). Finally, read_hdf5 and write_hdf5 are useful for efficiently and quickly reading and writing large matrices (as pandas DataFrames).


Download, navigate to the Chronos directory, and run

$ python install

in a terminal window. Chronos requires python 3 with the packages tensorflow 1.15, numpy, pandas, patsy, and h5py.

Getting Started

If you have jupyter notebook, you should run through Vignette.ipynb. This will both verify that you have a working installation and demonstrate a typical workflow for Chronos. Chronos is meant to be run in a python environment.

To run Chronos, you need three Pandas dataframes:

  1. A matrix of raw readcounts, where the columns are targeting sgRNAs, the rows are pDNA sequencing samples or replicate samples, and the entries are the number of reads of the given sgRNA in the given sample. Notice that in Chronos matrices, GUIDES and GENES are always COLUMNS and SAMPLES are always ROWS. Readcounts can have null values as long as no column or row is entirely null.

  2. A table with at least two columns, sgrna and gene, mapping the sgRNAs to genes. Chronos will not accept sgRNAs that map to more than one gene. This is intentional. sgrna entries should match the columns in raw readcounts. gene can be in any format.

  3. A table with at least four columns, sequence_ID, cell_line_name, pDNA_batch, and days, mapping sequencing samples to cell lines and pDNA measurements. sequence_ID should match the row names of the raw readcounts. days is the number of days between infection and when the sample was collected, should be integer or float. It will be ignored for pDNA samples. cell_line_name MUST be "pDNA" for pDNA samples. if, instead of pDNA, you are sequencing your cells at a very early time point to get initial library abundance, treat these as pDNA samples. If you don't have either, Chronos may not be the right algorithm for your experiment. pDNA_batch is needed when your experiment combines samples that have different pDNA references (within the same library). This is the case for Achilles because the PCR primer strategy has changed several times during the course of the experiment. pDNA samples belonging to the same batch will be combined into a single reference. If you don't have pDNA batches, just fill this column some value, such as "batch1".

We've found that a small number of clones in CRISPR cell lines will exhibit dramatic outgrowth that seems unrelated to the intended CRISPR perturbation. We recommend you remove these in place by running

import chronos
chronos.nan_outgrowths(readcounts, sequence_map, guide_gene_map)

You can then initialize the Chronos model

model = chronos.Chronos(
	readcounts={'my_library': readcounts},
	sequence_map={'my_library': sequence_map},
	guide_gene_map={'my_library': guide_gene_map}

This odd syntax is used because it allows you to process results from different libraries at the same time. If you have libraries 1 and 2, and readcounts, sequence maps, and guide maps for them, you would initialize Chronos as such:

model = chronos.Chronos(
	readcounts={'my_library1': readcounts1, 'my_library2': readcounts2},
	sequence_map={'my_library': sequence_map, 'my_library2': sequence_map2},
	guide_gene_map={'my_library': guide_gene_map, 'my_library2': guide_gene_map2}

Either way, you can then train Chronos by calling


Once the model is trained, you can save all the parameters of interest by calling"my_save_directory")

You can also directly access model parameters, for example:

gene_effect = model.gene_effect
guide_efficacy = model.guide_efficacy

If you have labeled gene_level copy number data, Chronos has an option to correct the gene effect matrix. We recommend first globally normalizing the gene effect matrix so the median of all common essential gene scores is -1 and the median of all nonessential genes is 0. Unlike CERES outputs, we do NOT recommend normalizing per cell line. Chronos includes parameters like cell_line_growth_rate and cell_line_efficacy along with other regularization terms that help align data between cell lines.

gene_effect -= gene_effect.reindex(columns=my_nonessential_gene_list).median(axix=1).median()
gene_effect /= gene_effect.reindex(columns=my_essential_gene_list).median(axis=1).abs().median()
gene_effect_corrected, shifts = chronos.alternate_cn(gene_effect, copy_number)
chronos.write_hdf5(gene_effect_corrected, "my_save_directory/gene_effect.hdf5")

The copy number matrix needs to be aligned to the gene_effect_matrix. Additionally, we assume that it is in the current CCLE format: log2(relative CN + 1), where CN 1 means the relative CN matches the reference. This may still work fine with CN with different units, but has not been tested.

Expected run times

The full Achilles dataset takes 3-4 hours to run a gcloud VM with 52 GB of memory. Training the vignette in this package should take around 2 minutes on a typical laptop.

Other Chronos Options

The Chronos model has a large number of hyperparameters which are described in the model code. Generally we advise against changing these. We've tested them in a wide variety of experimental settings and found the defaults work well. However, a few may be worth tweaking if you want to try and maximize performance. If you do choose to tune the hyperparameters, make sure you evaluate the results with a metric that captures what you really want to get out of the data. We decribe those that might be worth changing.

  • gene_effect_hierarchical and gene_effect_smoothing: The first of these is a CERES style penalty that punishes gene effect scores in individual cell lines for deviating from the mean. The second punishes the deviation of a REGION of gene effect scores in a cell line from the mean, where a region is a contiguous block of genes arranged by their mean gene effect. Cranking up the first of these will reduce the variance within genes, potentially losing interesting differences between samples (but improving measures of control separation within samples). Cranking up the second can produce artifacts in the tails of gene effect, especially if gene_effect_hierarchical is too low. If you don't care about differences between samples, or have strong reason to believe all your samples should give the same results, you could consider increasing both of these.

  • kernel_width: this is the width of the gaussian kernel applied for gene_effect_smoothing. The number of genes used to calculation regional deviation from the mean for each gene will be 6x this number, 3x in each direction from the gene in question. Consider reducing this from its default value (5) for subgenome libraries.

  • cell_efficacy_guide_quantile: Chronos pre-estimates how efficacious a cell line is (you could think of this as related to Cas9 activity in the cell line). To do this, it looks at the nth percentile guide's log fold change and takes that as the maximum real depletion the cell line can achieve. If screening a small library, especially one highly biased towards essentials, you might consider increasing it from the default value of 0.01.

  • excess_variance: how much more noise your readcounts have than a negative binomial model would expect. You can infer this per cell line using the noise between replicates (we don't recommend edgeR for this purpose; we had bad results) and pass that in lieu of a constant value. Alternatively, if you suspect your screen is noisy and you observe that Chronos seems to be assigning high efficacy to the less depleted guides, you can try increasing this value up to 1.

  • scale_cost: amplifies or diminishes the cost function. Lowering this value effectively increases the strength of all regularization terms.


Modeling of time series data for CRISPR KO experiments


Language:Jupyter Notebook 54.7%Language:Python 45.3%