littlekernel / lk

LK embedded kernel

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How to use timer

Inchul-Lee opened this issue · comments

I am merging IAR source cdoe to LK. In the IAR it is possible to use SysTick_Handler(void). But I have conformed that _systick(void) is used by LK kernel. I need to use systick or timer for system. I fount out that LK has the timer function like as platform_set_oneshot_timer() or platform_set_periodic_timer. How can I use it? Please give me the example or information.

static enum handler_return poller_entry(struct timer *t, lk_time_t now, void *arg) {

static void temp_init(const struct app_descriptor *app) {
  timer_set_periodic(&poller, 1000, poller_entry, NULL);

  .init = temp_init,

this code creates a timer that will run the set function every second