littl3field / Shamtraffic

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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       is a Scrapy tool to generate malicious traffic 



Pip install scrapy


scrapy crawl <spider-name>


##malicious_traffic_gen collectmalsites - Compile a list of malicious sites (you don't need to run this spider everytime. Once you've got a list you'll only want to re-run it if you want to update the list.

crawlmalsites - Activate the spider. It will make requests to malicious sites and download files

##traffic_gen collecttopsites - Compile a list of the top sites (see: collectmalsites)

crawltopsites - Active the spider. It'll make requests and download files.

Files: Downloaded files will appear in a 'download_files' folder in the respective directories The compiled site names will appear in the files 'file_of_sites.txt' in the respective directories The settings for each can be found in the global_variables file in the respective directories

WARNING Make sure that you're running the malicious spider in a virtual machine or the sandbox. It will start making automatic requests to malicious domains.



Language:Python 100.0%