litl / WKVerticalScrollBar

A traditional-style scrollbar for iOS that integrates with existing UIScrollView or UIScrollView subclasses.

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not working well with empty tableview

simpzan opened this issue · comments

when working with tableview,
if the tableview is empty, the scroll bar should hide, but it shows, and when I drag it, the tableview flashes a lot.
if the tableview is not full of a screen of data. and when I drag it, it flashes a lot as well.

Thanks for your bug report. I fixed the empty table view case in 1935442 by hiding the scroll bar when there is no content to scroll, but I can't seem to reproduce any flashing. Can you share the application that you've embedded WKVerticalScrollBar in, or perhaps provide more information? What device are you using?

the scroll bar is hide, but the interaction is still there. if you pan on the scroll bar area, the tableview will flash.
I think you can fix it just by disable the interaction when the scroll bar is hidden. and enable interaction when the scroll bar shows.

Ah, I see what you're talking about now. I'll have a fix in a minute.