lithammer / shortuuid

:mushroom: A generator library for concise, unambiguous and URL-safe UUIDs

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go get error

zanjs opened this issue · comments

PS C:\Users\Anla-E\Desktop> go get
..\go\src\\renstrom\shortuuid\shortuuid.go:21:30: too many arguments in call to DefaultEncoder.Encode
        have (uuid.UUID, error)
        want (uuid.UUID)
..\go\src\\renstrom\shortuuid\shortuuid.go:26:19: too many arguments in call to enc.Encode
        have (uuid.UUID, error)
        want (uuid.UUID)
..\go\src\\renstrom\shortuuid\shortuuid.go:35:17: multiple-value uuid.NewV4() in single-value context
..\go\src\\renstrom\shortuuid\shortuuid.go:49:19: too many arguments in call to enc.Encode
        have (uuid.UUID, error)
        want (uuid.UUID)

Yeah, unfortunately we're kind of stuck in a bad place until either tags a new release, or reverts the backwards incompatible changes to master (see satori/go.uuid#66 and satori/go.uuid#70).

Here are some related issues and pull requests: #7 #8 #9 #10 #11