litespeedtech / ols1clk

One click installation of Open LiteSpeed

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Add option to install mysql without -w flag

lorvent opened this issue · comments

Currently only way to install mariadb is when using -w flag,
however there are many people who don't need wordpress but just mariadb/mysql.

today i have tried, a new installation and since it is not possible to install mariadb alone, i have passed -w flag and the caveat is, default listener names have been changed to wordpress, wordpresssl

and for people like me, who use vHostTemplates, this leads to confusion and errors.

so please think of adding option to install mysql, when flags like -r dbpassword are passed.


here, you can see outputs

without -w flag

 bash -a randompass -r randompass
*                    Open LiteSpeed One click installation, Version 2.2                      *
*                    Copyright (C) 2016 - 2020 LiteSpeed Technologies, Inc.                  *
Current platform is UBUNTU20 ubuntu focal.

Starting to install OpenLiteSpeed to /usr/local/lsws/ with the parameters below,
WebAdmin password:        randompass
WebAdmin email:           root@localhost
LSPHP version:            74
MariaDB version:          10.4
Server HTTP port:         80
Server HTTPS port:        443

Are these settings correct? Type n to quit, otherwise will continue.[Y/n]

with -w flag

bash -a randompass -r randompass-w line 27: warning: command substitution: ignored null byte in input
*                    Open LiteSpeed One click installation, Version 2.2                      *
*                    Copyright (C) 2016 - 2020 LiteSpeed Technologies, Inc.                  *
Current platform is UBUNTU20 ubuntu focal.

Starting to install OpenLiteSpeed to /usr/local/lsws/ with the parameters below,
WebAdmin password:        randompass
WebAdmin email:           root@localhost
LSPHP version:            74
MariaDB version:          10.4
Install WordPress:        Yes
WordPress HTTP port:      80
WordPress HTTPS port:     443
Web site domain:          *
MySQL root Password:      randompass
Database name:            olsdbname
Database username:        olsdbuser
Database password:        MDZhODlh
WordPress plus:           No
WordPress location:       /usr/local/lsws/wordpress (New install)

Are these settings correct? Type n to quit, otherwise will continue.[Y/n]

I added a --pure-mariadb option to have DB installed without wordpres.