lit26 / finvizfinance

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QST: Has the finviz page changed since 28 sept 2023?

ljilekor opened this issue · comments

Have there been changes to the tables since 28 sept 2023?

im having issues running finviz screeners today using the library. Everything was working as of yesterday.

Heres Traceback report:

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [4], in <cell line: 4>()
      2 results = pd.DataFrame()
      3 foverview.set_filter(filters_dict=filters, ticker="", signal=SIGNALS[0])
----> 4 df = foverview.screener_view(verbose=0)
      5 df = df[['Ticker']]
      6 df['Pattern'] = SIGNALS[0]

File ~/opt/anaconda3/envs/mm-strat/lib/python3.9/site-packages/finvizfinance/screener/, in Overview.screener_view(self, order, limit, select_page, verbose, ascend)
    266         progress_bar(1, 1)
    268 table = soup.find("table", class_="table-light")
--> 269 rows = table.findAll("tr")
    270 table_header = [i.text for i in rows[0].findAll("td")][1:]
    271 num_col_index = [table_header.index(i) for i in table_header if i in NUMBER_COL]

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'findAll'

AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
1 overview.set_filter(filters_dict={'Earnings Date': 'Today After Market Close'})
----> 2 overview.screener_view(order='Market Cap.')

279         table = soup.find("table", class_="table-light")

--> 280 rows = table.findAll("tr")
281 table_header = [i.text.strip() for i in rows[0].findAll("td")][1:]
282 num_col_index = [table_header.index(i) for i in table_header if i in NUMBER_COL]

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'findAll'

I have the same error. I'm using finvizfinance version 0.14.6.

Same here, look like sucked by Finviz.

any chance this issue will be solved soon? I have the same error since yesterday

For anyone looking for a workaround, I got this to monkeypatch the screener_view function. But you would need to overwrite it in every class (and see what the relevant args are). I also do not promise it is stable, but it works until the authors dig in:

from finvizfinance.screener.overview import Overview # THIS SHOULD BE THE PATH TO THE OVERVIEW YOU ARE USING
from finvizfinance.util import web_scrap

# It works but it's not pretty
def screener_view(self, group="Sector", order="Name"):
    """Get screener table.
        group(str): choice of group option.
        order(str): sort the table by the choice of order.
        df(pandas.DataFrame): group information table.
    if group not in self.group_dict:
        group_keys = list(self.group_dict.keys())
        raise ValueError(
            f"Invalid group parameter '{group}'. Possible parameter input: {group_keys}"
    if order not in self.order_dict:
        order_keys = list(self.order_dict.keys())
        raise ValueError(
            f"Invalid order parameter '{order}'. Possible parameter input: {order_keys}"
    self.url = (
        self.BASE_URL.format(group=self.group_dict[group], v_page=self.v_page)
        + "&"
        + self.order_dict[order]

    soup = web_scrap(self.url)
    return pd.read_html(str(soup))[-2]

Overview.screener_view = screener_view

edit: only works on the group.overview.

I'm having the same issue in line 295 296
table = soup.find("table", class_="table-light")
rows = table.findAll("tr")

Exception caught: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'findAll'

Any fix for this?

Here's how I'm using it

overview = Overview()
df = overview.screener_view(order='Volume', ascend=False)


I will fix this. Thanks for reporting.

Version 0.14.7rc1 is published. Please check.

Thanks a ton!
Just checked, used a variety of filters and it worked.

Great to see this got fixed quickly after I posted this issue.
Finviz changed a few things, so I fixed some stuff and got it working(with the previous version) and continued working on my custom version.
I only changed the 'Custom' screener

Mainly changed this

        # since 28 sep 2023
        #table = soup.find("table", class_="table-light")        
        table = soup.find("table", class_="styled-table-new is-rounded is-tabular-nums w-full screener_table")
        #table_header = [i.text.strip() for i in rows[0].findAll("td")][1:]
        table_header = [i.text.strip() for i in rows[0].findAll("th")][1:]

Maybe some other stuff...

I only changed it in the 'Custom' screener.
@lit26 Are all the modules fixed? (Groups, Forex, Futures, News, ...)
Do you have an overview of what was changed?

@ljilekor I have updated most of the parsing in screener, group and others. The files changes is here.