lit26 / finvizfinance

Finviz analysis python library.

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Eleeot opened this issue · comments


finvizfinance version checks

  • I have checked that this issue has not already been reported.

  • I have confirmed this bug exists on the master branch of finvizfinance.

Reproducible Example

stock_fundament = stock.ticker_fundament()

#Currently produces a index error: list index out of range

Issue Description

stock_fundament = stock.ticker_fundament() does not currently function. Index error: list index out of range. I believe this is due to Finviz updating their website.

Expected Behavior

The expexted behavior is that the finviz fundementals for a give stock ticker would be added to stock_funament.

Installed Versions

Replace this line with the output of finvizfinance.__version__4.5.0

I'm getting the same problem.
I would love to hear about a solution

I've described the root cause #71
But not aware how force back day mode via beautiful soup

#73 This will fix the issue. I will probably make a new release soon.

is probably subject to the same issue.

I am having this issue as well

Should be fixed in #73. Release in v0.14.6rc1. Thanks for reporting.