lit26 / finvizfinance

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BUG: missing Ticker: X when filters_dict = {'Sector':'Basic Materials','Market Cap.':'Mid ($2bln to $10bln)'}

myduffy opened this issue · comments

finvizfinance version checks

  • I have checked that this issue has not already been reported.

  • I have confirmed this bug exists on the master branch of finvizfinance.

Reproducible Example

from finvizfinance.screener.overview import Overview

filters_dict = {'Sector':'Basic Materials','Market Cap.':'Mid ($2bln to $10bln)'}
df = foverview.screener_view()

Issue Description

The last row is missing "Ticker: X", when compare finviz website

Expected Behavior

include "Ticker:X" in last row.

Installed Versions

finvizfinance in /jupyter/notebookenv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (0.14.3)

I have the ticker X on my side. Can you confirm?