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'Overview' object has no attribute 'ScreenerView'

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Hi I am running the example in the documentation and I am getting this error

from finvizfinance.screener.overview import Overview

foverview = Overview()
filters_dict = {'Index': 'S&P 500'}
df = foverview.ScreenerView()

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
/var/folders/7g/gr9fl0cx43g5f42xf78n_str0000gn/T/ipykernel_59856/ in <module>
      2 filters_dict = {'Index': 'S&P 500'}
      3 foverview.set_filter(filters_dict=filters_dict)
----> 4 df = foverview.ScreenerView()

AttributeError: 'Overview' object has no attribute 'ScreenerView'

I cannot understand the reason.

Sorry for the late response. Most functions have changed the function name to meet the python coding style. So ScreenerView has changed to screener_view. Please refer to the latest doc ( for others. Thanks.