lirantal / dockly

Immersive terminal interface for managing docker containers and services

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Light mode theme needed

keithy opened this issue · comments


Dockly doesn't display well in a terminal using light colouring.

should we perhaps have support for themes?
if so, how would we control that? cmd line arguments?

@lirantal I suggest adding a simple --light-mode that uses colors that are friendly with most light-themed terminals. glances does this via --theme-white.

I like this. Would be happy to get a PR for this.

I would like to take a look at this. I wont be quick, as the 9-5 job is pretty busy at present, but I'll keep you up to date if required.

@jscooksey awesome. Would love to merge it if you push it in and take your time to spend with family too, don't need to rush this ❤️

Ping me for anything you'd like to consult or run ideas off while you're working on it.
A general suggestion is to be able to support several themes, and so you could allow for a configuration of colors, and then load a default or a specific one based on ENV VARS or command line options.

is anyone still working on this? wanna check it out but don't wanna steal it from someone!

@lpjune doesn't seem like it... ?
I'd be happy to merge if you want to pick it up

I'll give it a try

Fixed in #150