lipanski / mockito

HTTP mocking for Rust!

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Expect 0 fails on matched()

fermanjj opened this issue · comments

If you create a mock with expect set to 0 and call .matched() on the mock, it returns true without any receiving any requests which seems against the expected behaviour.

mod test {
    fn no_match() {
        let m = mockito::mock("GET", "/").expect(0).create();
        assert!(!m.matched()); // <--- this will panic

Quoting from the documentation:

Returns whether the expected amount of requests (defaults to 1) were performed.

So if you expect 0 requests then it's expected that matched() returns true. If you had anything but 0 requests to your mock, then matched() should return false.

BTW you can also replace assert!(m.matched()) with m.assert() - it's the same.