lionkor / GCD_Calculator

GCD Calculator is a small GUI program, written in C#, which will quickly calculate the greatest common divisor of two natural numbers.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ReadMe - Created 12th July 2017 by Leed a.k.a. Lee'd / LeedOff

	1. Description
	2. How to use
	2.1 Troubleshooting
	3. How it works
	4. License information
	5. Disclaimer
	6. Contact
1. Description

	GCD Calculator is a small GUI program, written in C#, which 
	will calculate the greatest common divisor of two natural
	Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) is also known as greatest common 
	factor (gcf), highest common factor (hcf), greatest common 
	measure (gcm), or highest common divisor.
	This has little use for most people, but it was a good 
	training for GUI programs, as I generally worked on console
	applications instead, and if you can use it to your advantage,
	even better so!
2. How to use
	After choosing the correct version (x86 or x64), you can just
	double click on the .exe file to start the program. 
	Simple as that.

	2.1 Troubleshooting
		- Crash / Unresponsiveness : Working with big numbers the 
		program will seem unresponsive as the calculations can be 
		somewhat hard on the CPU. Just wait until it finishes. 
		- "Entered natural number but does not work" : When the 
		program tells you to "enter only natural numbers" but you
		have made sure that your number does only contain the
		characters 0 to 9 and no comma, the number is too big for
		the program to handle.
3. How it works
	It uses the Euclidean algorithm for finding the gcd.
4. License information

	Use it for whatever you want, as long as it's not commercial.
5. Disclaimer
	In case the program tries to establish any unwanted connections 
	or behaves weirdly, please feel free to contact me (see "6. 
	Contact") and stop using it, as you may have run into a damaged 
	/ infected version.
	If you download the program GCD_Calculator.exe from anywhere 
	else than, it is your own responsibility to 
	make sure that it is safe. If you're not sure about where you 
	got the .exe from, delete it and download it again, this time 
	from the official repository.

6. Contact

	Twitter: @Leed_off
	Facebook: @Leed.Official


GCD Calculator is a small GUI program, written in C#, which will quickly calculate the greatest common divisor of two natural numbers.