lionell / ys15sakevych-hw1

Java homework #1

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Yandex School 2015: Java Homework #1

Methods overview

double average()

Evaluates average temperature in list.

double deviation()

Evaluates standard deviation of temperature.

double min()

Returns minimal temperature in list.

double max()

Returns maximal temperature in list.

double findTempClosestToZero()

Returns closest to zero temperature from list. If there are two temperatures with equal distances, returns positive one.

double findTempClosestToValue(double tempValue)

Returns closest to tempValue temperature from list. If there are two temperatures with equal distances, returns positive one.

double[] findTempsLessThan(double tempValue)

Returns array of temperatures which are less than tempValue.

double[] findTempsGreaterThan(double tempValue)

Returns array of temperatures which are greater than tempValue.

TempSummaryStatistics summaryStatistics()

Returns immutable instance of TempSummaryStatistics class, which contains information about:

  • double avgTemp - Average temperature
  • double devTemp - Deviation
  • double minTemp - Minimal temperature
  • double maxTemp - Maximal temperature

int addTemps(double[] temps)

Append to list new temperatures from temps array. Returns sum of temperatures in new list.

Structure(array-like) used in class TemperatureSeriesAnalysis for storing temperatures will increase its length in 2 times, if needed.

  • class TemperatureSeriesAnalysis have default constructor and constructor with parameter temps.
  • if temps has value less than -273C, than changes will be discarded and InputMismatchException will be thrown.
  • standard ArrayList<T> and LinkedList<T> is not used.

NOTE. All methods throws IllegalArgumentException if the list is empty.

NOTE. All comparisons of double values uses epsilon EPS = 5e-5.

Deadline October 5th, 2015


Java homework #1

License:MIT License


Language:Java 100.0%