linuxserver / docker-firefox

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Is it possible to expose RDP/VNC ports?

typkrft opened this issue · comments

name: Add VNC/RDP Port
about: It would be nice to access this container directly with RDP or VNC to more easily define user access.

Expose RDP or VNC ports

Desired Behavior

Ability to connect to this container from guacamole

Current Behavior

Currently a light instance of guacamole is used.

Alternatives Considered

Similar to the jlesage/firefox which exposes a webui and a VNC port. Their docker has issues with copy and paste.

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Lol, I looked through the dockerfile and only saw expose 3000, but then read that it's just metadata. 3389 was there all along. Sorry rookie mistake.

@typkrft Can you help me with how you resolved this? I tried exposing port 3389 but still can't connect via VNC viewer

@destrugter There really shouldn't be much to do.

According, to the dockerfile documentation on EXPOSE any port that is open can be published. I don't exactly remember why I thought it wasn't working when I opened this. But I think I was looking at the dockerfile before actually using it. I don't use this image anymore though now that jlesage/firefox has been updated.

I also don't recall if this ever had a RDP sever running on it, which is what 3389 would be for. For a VNC Viewer you would likely be looking for 5900 more than likely. This image is based on KasmVNC so you might look at that for additional insight.

This is an example of my compose for jlesage's image that exposes the vnc port so that I can use it through guacamole.

    image: jlesage/firefox:v1.17.1
    container_name: firefox
      TZ: America/New_York
      - 7002:5900
      - /docker_storage/firefox/config:/config
    shm_size: "2gb"
    restart: unless-stopped