linuxserver / docker-firefox

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[FEAT]Great images,but we need Chinese/Korea/Japanese font support

SoraKasvgano opened this issue · comments


Is this a new feature request?

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Wanted change

Support Extra Chinese/Korean/Japanese font.

Reason for change

Thanks for this great things...

but i found it can't show the full text ,when the website is Japanese/Chinese/Korea,every word is a "cube".....

I searched github ,and found jlesage/firefox offer a solution is to download extra font support.
but i can't deploy this container because of some error....looks like the community has removed that package, It's better to pre-download this font in the image to avoid downloading failure.

So, could we support extra Font in the next version?


Proposed code change

ENABLE_CJK_FONT When set to 1, open-source computer font WenQuanYi Zen Hei is installed. This font contains a large range of Chinese/Japanese/Korean characters. 0

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This mod adds a CJK font

thanks dude....