linuxserver / docker-firefox

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s6-notifyonchec zombie process

jobenvil opened this issue · comments

It happens everytime after a reset of the container:

root@arkanoid:/usr/local/etc/firefox-docker/config# ps axo stat,ppid,pid,comm | grep -w defunct
ZN   3587144 3587150 s6-notifyonchec <defunct>

root@arkanoid:/usr/local/etc/firefox-docker/config# docker exec -it firefox-alpine /bin/bash
root@firefox-alpine:/# ps -ef
UID          PID    PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD
root           1       0  0 17:44 ?        00:00:00 s6-svscan -t0 /var/run/s6/services
root          38       1  0 17:44 ?        00:00:00 s6-supervise s6-fdholderd
root         434       1  0 17:44 ?        00:00:00 s6-supervise xrdp
root         435       1  0 17:44 ?        00:00:00 s6-supervise guacd
root         436       1  0 17:44 ?        00:00:00 s6-supervise web
root         437       1  0 17:44 ?        00:00:00 s6-supervise autostart
root         439       1  0 17:44 ?        00:00:00 s6-supervise xrdp-sesman
root         441     434  0 17:44 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/xrdp --nodaemon
abc          442     436  0 17:44 ?        00:00:00 node app.js
root         443     435  0 17:44 ?        00:00:00 /bin/bash ./run
root         444     437  0 17:44 ?        00:00:00 bash ./run
root         445     439  0 17:44 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/xrdp-sesman --nodaemon
root         446     441  0 17:44 ?        00:00:00 [s6-notifyonchec] <defunct>               <------------- !!!!!
root         455     443  0 17:44 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/guacd -f -b -l 4822
root         464     444  0 17:44 ?        00:00:00 sleep infinity
root         483       0  0 17:45 pts/0    00:00:00 /bin/bash
root         491     483  0 17:45 pts/0    00:00:00 ps -ef

arch : amd64
RAM : 32 GB
CPU : i7 x 8 cores

Solution is here described. @aptalca It worked for me.


root@arkanoid:/usr/local/etc/firefox-docker# docker exec -it firefox-alpine /bin/bash
root@firefox-alpine:/# pstree -p
             |                               |-{node}(468)
             |                               |-{node}(469)
             |                               |-{node}(470)
             |                               |-{node}(471)
             |                               |-{node}(474)
             |                               |-{node}(475)
             |                               |-{node}(476)
             |                               |-{node}(477)
             |                               `-{node}(478)

root@firefox-alpine:/# ps -ef
UID          PID    PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD
root           1       0  0 18:29 ?        00:00:00 s6-svscan -t0 /var/run/s6/services
root          38       1  0 18:29 ?        00:00:00 s6-supervise s6-fdholderd
root         431       1  0 18:29 ?        00:00:00 s6-supervise xrdp
root         432       1  0 18:29 ?        00:00:00 s6-supervise guacd
root         434       1  0 18:29 ?        00:00:00 s6-supervise web
root         435       1  0 18:29 ?        00:00:00 s6-supervise autostart
root         436       1  0 18:29 ?        00:00:00 s6-supervise xrdp-sesman
root         438     431  0 18:29 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/xrdp --nodaemon
abc          439     434  0 18:29 ?        00:00:00 node app.js
root         441     432  0 18:29 ?        00:00:00 /bin/bash ./run
root         442     435  0 18:29 ?        00:00:00 bash ./run
root         443     436  0 18:29 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/xrdp-sesman --nodaemon
root         453     441  0 18:29 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/guacd -f -b -l 4822
root         463     442  0 18:29 ?        00:00:00 sleep infinity
root         484       0  0 18:29 pts/0    00:00:00 /bin/bash
root         501     484  0 18:39 pts/0    00:00:00 ps -ef

Maybe others are having same zombie issue with docker image.

Thanks for opening your first issue here! Be sure to follow the bug or feature issue templates!

@aptalca just for sake of documentation

Please stop pinging me unnecessarily. I'm not the maintainer of this repo. Even then, you shouldn't ping unnecessarily.