linhr / human-or-robot

Solution to Kaggle competition "Human or Robot?"

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Human or Robot - Kaggle Competition


This repository contains my solution to the Kaggle competition Facebook Recruiting IV: Human or Robot?. Datasets and a description of the task can be found on the competition website.

Required Packages

The code is written in Python and depends on the following packages.

The code runs in Python 2.7. Python 3 support is not tested.

Running the Code

  1. Download the datasets from the official Kaggle website and extract them into the data directory. The data directory should contain three files, train.csv, test.csv and bids.csv. After executing the following commands, a SQLite database bids.db will be built to ease further data analysis. The database contains indexed data in bids.csv, and consumes about 1.35 GB of disk space.

    cd data
  2. Generate feature files and make prediction.

    cd src

    After running the above commands, a large number of intermediate data files and feature files will be generated in the workspace directory (about 1.3 GB). Then prediction of the test set will be written to workspace/submission.

    I have only tested the code on a MacBook Pro with SSD and 16 GB memory. Some of the feature extraction procedures have a large memory footprint, so the code may not run on computers with smaller amount of memory.

    Feature extraction can take a few hours on a single-core processor, since some of the features, especially series_crosscorr (see below), require a large amount of time to generate. It is also possible to create feature sets by calling functions in (possibly in parallel), and that was how I built feature sets incrementally as I explored the data during the competition.

    Luckily, feature extraction need only to be performed once. Training and making prediction is relatively fast. And it is convenient to try different classifiers using pre-computed feature files. I found that random forest worked best in this task, and you may refer to for how I load pre-computed features from files and build a scikit-learn pipeline. You can also do cross-validation and perform a grid search in the parameter space, as is exemplified in the following code snippet.

    import logging
    import prediction
    # cross validation
    auc = prediction.cross_validation(k=3)
    # parameter grid search
    from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV
    train, label = prediction.get_training_data()
    pipeline = prediction.create_pipeline()
    params = {
        'classifier__max_features': ['log2', 'auto'],
        'classifier__n_estimators': [100, 200, 300],
    gs = GridSearchCV(pipeline, params, scoring='roc_auc'), label)
    for x in gs.grid_scores_:
        print x
    print gs.best_params_

Intermediate Data

I have created a few intermediate datasets for analysis purpose. These datasets are also needed for feature extraction described in the next section. All intermediate data are stored in the workspace directory.

  • frequencies/{attribute}.csv where {attribute} can be bidder_id, auction, merchandise, device, country, ip, url

    These files stores counts that different values of an attribute have appeared in the bid stream. For example, frequencies/auction.csv stores number of bids for all auctions.

  • graphs/{attribute}.csv.gz where {attribute} can be auction, merchandise, device, country, ip, url

    These files are edge lists of bidder-attribute bipartite graphs in gzipped CSV format. For example, in the graphs/ip.csv.gz file, the first two columns are bidder_id and ip, and the third column, weight, indicates how many times a bidder bids using a specific IP address.

  • cooccurrence/{attribute}.pickle.gz where {attribute} can be auction, merchandise, device, country, ip, url

    These files are edge lists of bidder-bidder cooccurrence graphs in gzipped pickle format. For example, in the cooccurrence/ip.pickle.gz file, the first two columns are bidder_id_x and bidder_id_y, and the third column, weight, indicates how many IP addresses that the two bidders have shared in the past.

  • misc/timestamp_stat.csv

    This file stores maximum, minimum values for the raw timestamps and minimum gap between timestamps. These values are useful for reverse engineering the original mangled timestamps. I have found that timestamps can be transformed so that the bid stream fits in a one-month duration. The transformation can be used to determine the scale of time series discussed below.

  • series/bid_count_{rate}.h5 where {rate} can be 10s, 30s, 1min, 10min, 30min, 1h, 6h, 12h, 1d, ranging from 10 seconds to 1 day

    These files are bid count series in HDF5 format. For each bidder, I count how many bids are made in each time interval of the resolution specified by {rate} (e.g., number of bids every minute).

  • series/unique_count_{rate}/{attribute}.h5 where {rate} is defined the same as above and {attribute} can be auction, device, country, ip, url

    These files are unique attribute count series in HDF5 format. For each bidder, I count the number of unique values of a given attribute in each time interval of different resolutions (e.g., number of unique IP addresses every hour).

Feature Engineering

In this competition I have adopted a somewhat "brute-force" approach. I extracted a large number of features and let the random forest classifier select the most promising ones.

Feature vectors for each bidder is pre-computed and stored in hierarchy in the workspace/features directory. Each feature set is a CSV file containing a set of numeric value features for all bidders. The first column is always bidder_id, followed by a comma-separated feature vector. The CSV file contains a header line for feature names. The feature vectors for some bidders may be missing due to their absence from bids.csv. It is also possible that some features for some bidders is missing due to their limited bid counts. Before classification these feature sets are loaded into memory and concatenated, forming a long feature vector for each bidder. Missing values are treated as NaN and are handled properly by preprocessors in the prediction pipeline.

Here is a brief description of different types of feature sets.

Simple Statistics Features

  • per_auction_freq/{attribute}.csv where {attribute} can be merchandise, device, country, ip, url

    I selected 100 auctions with the largest bid counts and count the unique values for different attributes (e.g., IP address) in the bid record for each bidder in each auction. This gives 100 * 5 = 500 features.

  • attribute_weight_stats/{attribute}.csv where {attribute} can be auction, device, country, ip, url

    These feature sets are statistics for attribute values for each bidder. For example, for a bidder x in the attribute_weight_stats/device feature set, I first collect the devices that bidder x has used, and get the frequencies that these devices have appeared in the entire bid stream. Then statistics for these frequency counts are calculated.

    Each feature set contains statistics count, min, max, mean, std, kurtosis, percentile_{25,50,75}.

    This gives 9 * 5 = 45 features.

Graph Spectrum Features

  • graph_svd/{attribute}.csv where {attribute} can be auction, merchandise, device, country, ip, url

    I construct biadjacency matrices of bidder-attribute bipartite graphs using graphs/{attribute}.csv.gz data files mentioned previously. (For example, in the bidder-IP matrix, each row corresponds to a bidder and each column corresponds to an IP address. Element (x, y) with value w means that bidder with ID x has used IP address y for w times in all bids.) Left singular vectors of such matrices, truncated to keep components corresponding to the 100 largest singular values, are stored as features. (The exception is merchandise, which has only 9 unique choices, so we only get 9 singular values.) This gives 100 * 5 + 9 * 1 = 509 features.

  • cooccurrence_eigen/{attribute}.csv where {attribute} can be auction, merchandise, device, country, ip, url

    I construct adjacency matrices of the bidder-bidder graphs using cooccurrence/{attribute}.pickle.gz data files mentioned above. Components of the eigenvectors corresponding to the 100 largest eigenvalues are stored as features. This gives 100 * 6 = 600 features.

Timestamps Statistics Features

These features are sample statistics for measurements for each bidder based on timestamps.

  • response_time_stats.csv

    Statistics of response time for each bidder. The response time refers to the time difference between a bid and the previous bid (possibly by a different bidder) in the same auction.

  • interarrival_time_stats.csv

    Statistics of interarrival time for each bidder. The interarrival time refers to the time difference between two adjacent bids by the same bidder in an auction.

  • interarrival_steps_stats.csv

    Statistics of interarrival steps for each bidder. I define "interarrival steps" as the number of bids (possibly by other bidders) between two bids from the same bidder in an auction.

  • bid_amounts_stats.csv

    Statistics of numbers of consecutive bids for each bidder. Since each bid has a fixed value, the number of consecutive bids can be treated as the amount for a bid.

The statistics are count, max, std, mean, min, percentile_{0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90}. For response_time_stats and interarrival_time_stats, the percentiles are normalized (divided by the maximum).

The above four feature sets give 15 * 4 = 60 features.

Time Series Features

  • unique_count_series_stats_{rate}/{attribute}.csv

    Statistics of the series/unique_count_{rate}/{attribute}.h5 time series mentioned previously.

    The statistics are min, max, mean, std, kurtosis, entropy, autocorr_{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}, dftpeak_{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, dftquantile_{0,25,50,75,100}. autocorr_{t} is the auto-correlation between time series x[s] and x[s+t]. I apply discrete Fourier transform (DFT) to the time series. dftpeak_{k} is the frequency that has the k-th largest amplitude. dftquantile_{q} is the q-quantile of the amplitude of all frequencies.

    When {rate} is 12h, dftpeak_9 is missing. When {rate} is 1d, autocorr_{9,10} and dftpeak_{4,5,6,7,8,9} is missing, and autocorr_{6,7,8} contain NaN only and are thus dropped by sklearn.preprocessing.Imputer.

    This gives 9 * 5 * 31 - 5 * 1 - 5 * 11 = 1335 features.

  • bid_count_series_stats_{rate}.csv

    Statistics of the series/bid_count_{rate}.h5 time series mentioned previously.

    This gives 9 * 31 - 1 - 11 = 267 features.

  • series_crosscorr_{rate}.csv

    Each feature is named as {x}_vs_{y}_{t}, denoting the cross-correlation between time series x[s] and y[s+t] where {t} is the shift between the two time series. I pick {t} to be 0, 1, 2, and {x} and {y} can be chosen from unique_auction, unique_device, unique_country, unique_ip, unique_url, bid, corresponding to the 6 types of time series (series/bid_count_{rate}.h5 and series/unique_count_{rate}/{attribute}.h5 with the same rate) introduced above.

    This gives 9 * 6 * (6 - 1) * 3 = 810 features.

In summary, there are 500 + 45 + 509 + 600 + 60 + 1335 + 267 + 810 = 4126 features in total.


The two final submissions I have made were from two runs of the random forest classifier using the features described above. The ROC AUC scores were 0.93920 and 0.93778 on the private leaderboard. (The scores were 0.91776 and 0.90906 on the public leaderboard, respectively.) I ranked the 10th among the 985 teams.

The function prediction.get_feature_importance() produces a sorted list of features along with their importance scores after training a classifier. Although the results vary across runs, one can see that the most useful features are usually auto-correlation, cross-correlation, DFT quantile and graph SVD features.


Solution to Kaggle competition "Human or Robot?"


Language:Python 98.4%Language:Makefile 1.6%