lingo / silverstripe_srcset

Responsive images (via img.srcset) for SilverStripe templates

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SilverStripe Responsive Images

Easily use responsive images in SilverStripe templates, via the HTML5 img tag's srcset attribute.

Browser compatibility for this attribute can be seen here caniuse, but in any case a polyfill is provided (use npm install) for older browsers.

See also the full documentation


Via composer

composer require lingo/silverstripe_respimage


Simply call the Responsive method on your image. You should provide a media query as an argument. See here for explanation of this attribute.

<% if $FeaturedImage %>
	$FeaturedImage.Responsive("(max-width: 800px) 93vw, 45vw")
<% end_if %>


You'll probably want to have a bit of CSS also set up to make images scale nicely, something like this:

img {
	width:  auto;
	height: 100%;

More information

You can also use the .BackgroundAttr method if you need to add an inline style attribute to an element, in order to use a responsive background image.


Responsive images (via img.srcset) for SilverStripe templates


Language:PHP 95.3%Language:Scheme 4.7%