lineCode / netease-music-tui

netease cloud music terminal client by rust

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A netease cloud music client for the terminal written in Rust.



This project use gstreamer as player. you need to install some dependence which you can find details in gstreamer-rs


On Debian/Ubuntu they can be installed with

$ apt-get install libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-dev


You can install GStreamer and the plugins via Homebrew or by installing the binaries provided by the GStreamer project.


$ brew install gstreamer gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good \
      gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-ugly gst-libav gst-rtsp-server \
      gst-editing-services --with-orc --with-libogg --with-opus \
      --with-pango --with-theora --with-libvorbis --with-libvpx \

GStreamer Binaries

You need to download the two .pkg files from the GStreamer website and install them, e.g. gstreamer-1.0-1.12.3-x86_64.pkg and gstreamer-1.0-devel-1.12.3-x86_64.pkg.

After installation, you also need to install pkg-config (e.g. via Homebrew) and set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable

$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/Library/Frameworks/GStreamer.framework/Versions/Current/lib/pkgconfig${PKG_CONFIG_PATH:+:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH}"



  1. you can download the latest binary ncmt for your OS
  2. cd to the file you just downloaded and unzip
  3. cd to folder and run with ./ncmt


First, install Rust (using the recommended rustup installation method) and then

git clone
cd netease-music-tui

// build release
cargo build --release

and then you can make some soft link to the binary and use it.


A configuration file is located at ${HOME}/.config/netease-music-tui/Settings.toml

The following is a sample Settings.toml file:

# Your account username (email/cellphone).
username = "username"
# Your account password.
password = "password"

Fill your account info to the config file.


The binary is named ncmt

When running netease-music-tui press ? to bring up a help menu that shows currently implemented key events and their actions.

This table shows some key binds

Description Event Context
Increase volume + General
Decrease volume - General
Skip to next track n General
Skip to previous track p General
Seek forwards > General
Seek backwards < General
Seek backwards < General
Toggle repeat mode r General
Move selection left h | <Left Arrow Key> General
Move selection down j | <Down Arrow Key> General
Move selection up k | <Up Arrow Key> General
Move selection right l | <Right Arrow Key> General
Jump to currently playing album a General
Enter Search / General
Pause/Resume playback <Space> General
Fullsize playbar f General
Go back or exit when nowhere left to back to q General
Enter hover mode <Esc> General
like current playing track <Ctrl+y> General
dislike current playing track <Ctrl+d> General
move track to trash <Ctrl+t> Fm block
Enter active mode <Enter> Hover mode
Delete entire input <Ctrl+u> Search input
Search with input text <Enter> Search input
Jump to start of input <Ctrl+a> Search input
Jump to end of input <Ctrl+e> Search input
Subscribe current hover playlist <Alt+s> Playlist block
Unsubscribe current hover playlist <Alt+d> Playlist block
Jump to next page <Ctrl+f> Search result | top list
Jump to previous page <Ctrl+b> Search result | top list




netease cloud music terminal client by rust

License:MIT License


Language:Rust 100.0%