linear / linear

Tools, SDK's and plugins for Linear

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Duplication warning when creating nested label that exists in another nested context

miraroot opened this issue · comments


Couldn't find where to report bugs other than here, please point me to the correct location if there's a better place to do so :)

  • when creating a nested label (e.g. Project A/Milestone 1) and there's already another label called Milestone 1 in another nested context (e.g. Project B/Milestone 1), I get an error (see below and am unable to create the label)

Screenshot 2023-12-11 at 12 16 25

@miraroot Currently, all labels must have different names, it does not matter if they are nested inside a label group. I understand how this could be a limitation for your use-case. I will raise it to the team and keep you updated.

In the meantime, if that helps, Projects have the concept of milestones built-in directly. You can see them in the side panel of the project.


You can report problems directly inside the app with the Help button on the bottom-left of the page with "Send feedback".
