limerentfox / api-mini-project-web-1116

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API Mini Project Guidelines

Today, we'll be building out a small Rails API with a parner! Remember to use pairing best practices as you go through the assignment.

Before you start coding...

  1. Map out your domain model and associations. Choose a belongs_to/has_many or a many-to-many relationship with two models with one join model.

Getting Started

  1. Create your new Rails API application without the default test framework. rails new my-pokemon-api --api -T
  2. Add the gems you'll need (ActiveModelSerializer, Rack Cors).
  3. Setup you app to accept requests from other places using CORS by un-commenting the file in config/initializers/cors.rb

Project Requirements

  1. Build out full CRUD actions for one of your resources.
  2. Requests should be namespaced under v1. For example, /api/v1/pokemon should render JSON data off all the Pokemon.
  3. Use serializers to only send back reasonable data. For example, created_at and updated_at should probably not be included.

