limcheekin / jquery-validation-ui

JQuery Validation UI Plugin - Client Side Validation without writing JavaScript

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Maven POM file has jquery 1.7.2 hard dependency in it

mgkimsal opened this issue · comments

This is causing conflict with jquery 1.8.3 installed. I've no idea where/how the POM would have that hard dependency in it - I don't see anything in the plugin code that specifies a jquery dependency.

org.grails.plugins jquery 1.7.2 zip runtime xml-apis xml-apis

Sorry for late response. I think the hard dependency is in it's dependent jquery-validation plugin.


Using such tag in my BuildConfig.groovy seems to work fine with a jQuery 1.8.3 core and the latest 1.4.4 validation-ui plugin:

    runtime ":jquery:1.8.3"
    compile ":jquery-ui:1.8.24"
        excludes "jquery"


But I agree with mgkimsal: the dependencies should be updated in the plugins ;)

