limcheekin / jquery-validation-ui

JQuery Validation UI Plugin - Client Side Validation without writing JavaScript

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[Duplicate of #14] Custom validator failure in JqueryValidationService: No such property: request

bwolin opened this issue · comments

[ Sorry. This is a duplicate of #14. I don't think I can withdraw the issue however ]

Following up on your request to have an issue opened from this thread:!topic/jquery-validation-ui-plugin/rh8nxzvAu_o

Including a validator like this:

static constraints = {

    phoneList (validator: { phones, obj, errors ->
        phones.each { p ->
            if (! (p ==~ phoneMask)) {
                errors.rejectValue("phoneList", "personalPhone.phoneNo.matches")

Causes this Exception:

Caused by MissingPropertyException: No such property: request for class: org.grails.jquery.validation.ui.JqueryValidationService
->> 348 | doCall in org.grails.jquery.validation.ui.JqueryValidationService$_createJavaScriptConstraints_closure8

| 271 | createJavaScriptConstraints in org.grails.jquery.validation.ui.JqueryValidationService