lightning-power-users / node-launcher

Easiest Bitcoin Lightning desktop app, for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

/blocks/blk01643.dat: Too many open files in system

ronledfordjr opened this issue · comments

  • I'm submitting a ...

    • bug report
    • feature request
    • [x ] support request
  • What is the current behavior?

stalled blockchain

command used:
scp -r ./chainstate ./blocks bitcoin@

is this a local router setup issue?
should i just wait? i have not closed session or rebooted raspiblitz
bitcoind is not running on PC - I have to run from administrator because bitcoind is blocked for my user

after entering password A, this appears
/.chainstate/288648.log: Broken pipe

  • If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce

  • What is the expected behavior?

  • Copy blockchain from PC to raspiblitz via local network

  • What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior?

  • to have valid blockchain

  • Please tell us about your environment:

    • Operating System: [ Windows | macOS | Linux ]
    • Windows 10
    • Raspiblitz current version
  • Other information (e.g. detailed explanation, stacktraces, related issues, suggestions how to fix, links for us to have context, eg. stackoverflow, gitter, etc)

Okay, I figured out it was my workstation's power settings. It was set to eco-weenie. I now have it set to Max-Power "to the Moon!" Hard Drives to never shut down. Now the transfer is going swimmingly. When I set up my next node I will use the copy from node and see how that goes. What a ride this has been - Love it!
