lightbend / genjavadoc

A compiler plugin for generating doc’able Java source from Scala source

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tests fail with latest Scala 2.13 due to productElementName

xuwei-k opened this issue · comments

[genjavadoc] missing methods:
[genjavadoc] public scala.collection.Iterator<java.lang.String>$A$.productElementNames()
[genjavadoc:error] Reporter completed abruptly with an exception after receiving event: TestFailed(Ordinal(0, 12),Scala: 
[genjavadoc:error]   public java.lang.String$A$.toString()
[genjavadoc:error]   public scala.collection.Iterator<java.lang.Object>$A$.productIterator()
[genjavadoc:error]   public boolean$A$.canEqual(java.lang.Object)
[genjavadoc:error]   public java.lang.String$A$.productPrefix()
[genjavadoc:error]   public int$A$.hashCode()
[genjavadoc:error]   private java.lang.Object$A$.readResolve()
[genjavadoc:error]   public java.lang.String$A$.productElementName(int)
[genjavadoc:error]   public int$A$.productArity()
[genjavadoc:error]   public java.lang.Object$A$.productElement(int)
[genjavadoc:error]   public scala.collection.Iterator<java.lang.String>$A$.productElementNames() 
[genjavadoc:error] did not match Java: 
[genjavadoc:error]   public java.lang.String$A$.toString()
[genjavadoc:error]   public scala.collection.Iterator<java.lang.Object>$A$.productIterator()
[genjavadoc:error]   public boolean$A$.canEqual(java.lang.Object)
[genjavadoc:error]   public java.lang.String$A$.productPrefix()
[genjavadoc:error]   public int$A$.hashCode()
[genjavadoc:error]   private java.lang.Object$A$.readResolve()
[genjavadoc:error]   public java.lang.String$A$.productElementName(int)
[genjavadoc:error]   public int$A$.productArity()
[genjavadoc:error]   public java.lang.Object$A$.productElement(int)
[genjavadoc:error] (in class$A$),SignatureSpec,com.typesafe.genjavadoc.SignatureSpec,Some(com.typesafe.genjavadoc.SignatureSpec),The generated java files must contain the same methods and classes as the original Scala files,contain the same methods and classes as the original Scala files,Vector(),Some(org.scalatest.exceptions.TestFailedException: Scala: 
[genjavadoc:error]   public java.lang.String$A$.toString()
[genjavadoc:error]   public scala.collection.Iterator<java.lang.Object>$A$.productIterator()
[genjavadoc:error]   public boolean$A$.canEqual(java.lang.Object)
[genjavadoc:error]   public java.lang.String$A$.productPrefix()
[genjavadoc:error]   public int$A$.hashCode()
[genjavadoc:error]   private java.lang.Object$A$.readResolve()
[genjavadoc:error]   public java.lang.String$A$.productElementName(int)
[genjavadoc:error]   public int$A$.productArity()
[genjavadoc:error]   public java.lang.Object$A$.productElement(int)
[genjavadoc:error]   public scala.collection.Iterator<java.lang.String>$A$.productElementNames() 
[genjavadoc:error] did not match Java: 
[genjavadoc:error]   public java.lang.String$A$.toString()
[genjavadoc:error]   public scala.collection.Iterator<java.lang.Object>$A$.productIterator()
[genjavadoc:error]   public boolean$A$.canEqual(java.lang.Object)
[genjavadoc:error]   public java.lang.String$A$.productPrefix()
[genjavadoc:error]   public int$A$.hashCode()
[genjavadoc:error]   private java.lang.Object$A$.readResolve()
[genjavadoc:error]   public java.lang.String$A$.productElementName(int)
[genjavadoc:error]   public int$A$.productArity()
[genjavadoc:error]   public java.lang.Object$A$.productElement(int)

it is easy enough to add productElementName to the expected outputs for 2.13, but something weird is happening with the new productElementNames (plural) method. investigating

okay well now I really need to fix this so we can publish for 2.13.0-M5 (#144)

productElementNames is defined in scala.Product. the implementation is the same for every case class, it doesn't get overridden.

but if you javap -classpath .:/usr/local/scala-2.13.0-M5/lib/scala-library.jar -private scala.Product | grep productElementNames you see:

  public static scala.collection.Iterator productElementNames$(scala.Product);
  public scala.collection.Iterator<java.lang.String> productElementNames();

so already this is odd, what's the extra static method doing there?

hypothesis: is it because Product is a "universal trait", that is, it extends Any?

and then if you compile e.g. case class S(x: Int) and do javap -classpath .:/usr/local/scala-2.13.0-M5/lib/scala-library.jar -private S | grep productElementNames you see

  public scala.collection.Iterator<java.lang.String> productElementNames();

even though S doesn't override productElementNames, it still gets its own implementation, the body looks like:

         0: aload_0
         1: invokestatic  #29                 // InterfaceMethod scala/Product.productElementNames$:(Lscala/Product;)Lscala/collection/Iterator;
         4: areturn

I assume this has to do with Product being a universal trait, but I don't understand why it would actually be needed.

SignatureSpec compiles the Scala code, compiles the Java code generated by the plugin, then compares the resulting lists of methods. we've learned something, above, about why productElementNames appears in the list from the Scala code.

but why doesn't productElementNames appear in the Java code? is there some logic, probably in Output.scala, that filters it out, and we need that same logic in SignatureSpec...?

this seems closely related to @ktoso's #86 , specifically 60b3328 — "These synthetic static methods appear since 2.12.0-M5+ as companions to default methods"

is there some logic, probably in Output.scala, that filters it out, and we need that same logic in SignatureSpec...?

some println debugging indicates that Output#merge doesn't even see the method. hypothesis: that could be because the plugin has val runsAfter = List("fields") — perhaps the case class hasn't yet acquired the overriding method at that phase of compilation. whereas SignatureSpec uses Java reflection, so it's operating on generated bytecode

I see no clear indication in the generated bytecode that the override isn't a true override

in any case, I'm satisfied this isn't a blocker for going ahead and publishing on 2.13.0-M5

as a stopgap measure, #146 simply disables that part of the test

I don't think I'm going to ever find the time to get to the bottom of this, too much else to do for 2.13.0-RC1 and 2.13.0. anyone else interested in delving into it...?

Output#merge doesn't even see the method. hypothesis: that could be because the plugin has val runsAfter = List("fields") — perhaps the case class hasn't yet acquired the overriding method at that phase of compilation.

Indeed: it looks like this method is generated in the mixin stage. I guess this plugin is run after fields because later steps may modify things in ways we don't expect - it seems the flatten stage moves the InboxExtension to the top level instead of inside Inbox where it should be.

Do I understand correctly that our ways forward here are to either run genjavadoc after mixin (and make sure it for example 'unflattens' classes), or sort of 're-implement' the mixin stage in the genjavadoc logic?

Yes, I think so.

Running way later in the compilation pipeline would probably mean undoing a lot. Maybe it's not impossible — even when you run at a later phase, you can use the compiler's "time travel" feature to ask how something looked before, so for example, even when you run after erasure, you can still see the types before they were erased. But still, it sounds like an ambitious change.

Re-implementing mixin in genjavadoc sounds easier to me.

But these are just my seat-of-the-pants reactions, intelligently deciding on a plan would involve a conversation between someone who knows genjavadoc better than me and someone who knows the compiler middle end better than me (Adriaan/Lukas/Jason).

This is a longstanding issue that this 2.13 change (the addition of productElementNames) just happens to have turned up, right? If we've been living this long with this limitation, maybe we can continue living with it?

This is a longstanding issue that this 2.13 change (the addition of productElementNames) just happens to have turned up, right? If we've been living this long with this limitation, maybe we can continue living with it?

Agreed entirely. I've tried to summarize the more general issue in #163. With that I think this specific issue can be closed.