libsdl-org / SDL_mixer

An audio mixer that supports various file formats for Simple Directmedia Layer.

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lots of "defined in the headers but not the wiki!" warnings

sezero opened this issue · comments

E.g.: WARNING: Mix_AllocateChannels defined in the headers but not the wiki!
Seen in the CI logs too.

I think we need someone to go through and update the wiki with all of our changes.

Any volunteers?

These are caused by this line:

warn_about_missing = 1

It is set to 0 in SDL, but to 1 in the satellite libraries.

I asked here: libsdl-org/SDL#7514 (comment) (but I don't think it got answered)

I think we need someone to go through and update the wiki with all of our changes.

Any volunteers?

The manpage generator script always generates the wiki/man pages from scratch.
So when first generating the docs, all pages are guaranteed to be missing.

Oh, okay. So is it fine just to remove the warning?

I think the warning makes sense when updating the sdl wiki, but not when generating the man pages.
So perhaps it should be changed into a cli argument-only option.

#552 seems to have fixed this.

I applied the same fix for the main branches of the other satellite libraries.
I left SDL2 alone. So for the mean time, ryan will keep getting spammed 😛

BTW, the SDL2 branch has the same warn_about_missing = 1 but I don't remember getting the warnings.

The manpage generation is for SDL3 only.