librespeed / speedtest-android

Android app template for Librespeed servers

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Speedtest Server dont work correctly in the app (Subfolders)

Xenic28 opened this issue · comments


Hey have at the moment the issue thats the app dont make an speedtest if i click the button then the speedtest dont start then the app goes back into the selcection of the app. Without an Subfolder the App Works perfect. With an subfolder the app dont start correct an speedtest.
Please fix this
Thanks Xenic.

I don't understand your post.
Subfolders where? In the app? On the server? Can you show me your config files?


On my Server are the files in an Subfolder and if i open the APP and make an speedtest the app dont start correct the speedtest and the app goes again into the selection menü.
Thanks for Help Xenic

The app supports it so it's probably a config error. Send me your ServerList.json file so I can test it. If you don't want to post it here, send it to