libbitcoin / libbitcoin-server

Bitcoin Full Node and Query Server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

libzmq >= 4.2.3 required

streamofstars opened this issue · comments

Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS

Upon installing all dependencies listed here and running I am getting an error claiming libzmq >= 4.2.3 is required.

First of all, please add a mechanism to check such dependencies at script startup. runs for like 15 minutes compiling and whatnot and only then suddenly complains about missing libs. Waste of time.

Secondly, please list libzmq on the above linked website along with installation steps (be aware, required version at this moment is not present in defeault ubuntu repositories).

Hi @streamofstars, thanks for reporting. Keep in mind that this is a FOSS project. Issues and suggestions are always welcome but pull requests get more love than a list of demands.

Reduced libzmq dependency and build to 4.2.0, added --help to