libaoke / iQAN_AE

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

iQAN Performance Evaluation


Getting Started Guide


Libraries required:

  • Boost C++. To install Boost C++ on Ubuntu, please use command
sudo apt install libboost-all-dev
  • OpenMP.
  • Matplotlab for plotting figures. To install Matplotlab in Python, please use command
python -m pip install -U matplotlib

Programs required:

  • CMake for building.
  • C++ Compiler, recommending Intel C++ Compiler.
  • Bash or Zsh to run shell scripts.
  • Python3.


Under the project directory, please run

bash ./

If using Intel ICC compiler, please run

bash ./ icc

This command creates a directory cmake-build-release and builds the program under it.

Prepare the Datasets

SIFT1M is a relatively small dataset provided by using download script.

cd cmake-build-release
bash ../scripts/

This script downloads sift_base.fvecs, sift_query.fvecs, sift.nsg, sift.true-100_NN.v2.binary into the directory ./data/sift1m.

Quick Run

cd cmake-build-release
bash ../scripts/

This script runs iQAN, NSG, and HNSW for six recall targets (Recall@100) from 0.9 to 0.999 on the dataset SIFT1M. It takes about 30 mins to finish. It can generate a figure fig.quick.png under the current directory cmake-build-release.

Run Other Datasets for Latency-vs-Recall Curves

cd cmake-build-release
bash ../scripts/
bash ../scripts/

Here xxx can be replaced by sift1m, gist1m, deep10m, sift100m, and deep100m. The sizes of datasets and their estimated running time is shown in the following table. The script can generate a figure under cmake-build-release.

base file (GB) 0.5 3.6 3.7 49 37
NSG index (GB) 0.1 0.08 1.7 19 14
HNSW index (GB) 0.6 3.8 5 62 50
query file (MB) 5 3.7 3.8 5 3.8
groundtruth file (MB) 7.7 0.7 7.7 7.7 7.7
running time (hr) 1 6 5 16 22

Run Speedup Experiments

cd cmake-build-release
bash ../scripts/

Here xxx can be replaced by gist1m, sift100m, and deep100m. The script can generate a figure under cmake-build-release.

Run Graph-Size Scalability Experiments

cd cmake-build-release
bash ../scripts/ # download dataset DEEP1M
bash ../scripts/

The script can generate a figure fig.graph_scale.png under cmake-build-release.

Programs, Parameters, and Scripts

The iQAN mainly uses the following files for its implementation for relatively small datasets such as SIFT1M, GIST1M, and DEEP10M,


For large datasets such as SIFT100M and DEEP100M, iQAN mainly uses:


The two versions use the same search algorithm, while the small-dataset version uses a flatted graph format to improve the data locality. Correspondingly, NSG also use the same format for small dataset. For large datasets, the flatted format causes too large memory footprint. In that case, iQAN and NSG uses the standard graph format.

The iQAN takes the following parameters:

PSS_v5_distance_threshold_profiling <data_file> <query_file> <nsg_file> 
                <K> <place_holder> <true_NN_file> <num_threads> 
                <L_low> <L_up> <L_step> 
                <place_holder> <place_holder> <place_holder> 
                <X_low> <X_up> <X_step>
                 <place_holder> <place_holder> <place_holder>
  • data_file: the input vector base file, such as sift_base.fvecs
  • query_file: the input query file containing all query vectors, such as sift_query.fvecs
  • nsg_file: the input NSG index file, such as sift.nsg
  • K: the value K as in Top-K, which is set as 100 for current implementation
  • true_NN_file: the input file contains the real top-100 neighbors IDs for all queries, used for computing the recall
  • num_threads: the number of threads used for parallel run
  • L_low, L_up, and L_step: the settings for the capacity of queues (the value L). A larger L uses larger queues, which can improve the search accuracy but also increase the search latency. Here the program will run multiple times with different values of L from L_low to L_up (inclusive) with step L_step. For example, a setting of (100, 102, 1) let the program run with L as 100, 101, and 102. A user can then choose the expected output that satisfies the accuracy target and also achieves the shortest latency.
  • X_low, X_up, and X_step: the settings for the synchronization frequency (the value X). A larger X has less frequent synchronization (merging local queues) among threads, which can reduce the synchronization overhead, improve the search accuracy but also increase the distance computation overhead. Similar with L, here the program will run multiple times with different values of X from X_low to X_up (inclusive) with step X_step.

Under the directory scripts/, the shell script drives the program. First, it uses python script to provide input and format the output. Second, it uses python script to select the best-performance output. The final output then can be used to generate figures by the script


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C++ 88.6%Language:Shell 4.5%Language:C 4.4%Language:Python 1.3%Language:CMake 0.9%Language:Cuda 0.4%Language:Awk 0.0%Language:Gnuplot 0.0%Language:Dockerfile 0.0%Language:Makefile 0.0%