lhartikk / naivecoin

A tutorial for building a cryptocurrency

Home Page:https://lhartikk.github.io/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

NOT AN ISSUE: Ideas for improving when you are done with the tutorial!

qwertyuu opened this issue · comments

If you are here, you must have completed the tutorial :)

Here are some ideas of where to go from now... In my opinion! Please share your ideas below if you want.

  • Add automatic mining
  • Share peers via p2p (beware about your wallet connecting to itself!)
  • Add a list of known peers to connect to on wallet boot
  • Make a UI to list, add and remove peers
  • Endpoint to show last block
  • Support network confirmations in UI
  • List my transactions (FROM my address, TO my address)
  • List transactions (FROM an address, TO an address)
  • Add a difficulty validation, so that people don't spam Difficulty 1 blocks and overtake your precious chain!
  • Restart mining if you get a newer block
  • Write your blockchain to disk and load it on boot
  • implement Proof of Stake or Extended UTXO

Yo some of this stuff you could find on like naivecoin the JavaScript version

you can find my fork of it aswell with some improvements to it like security stuff its still being worked on, the git repo is actually dysfunctional but the releases all work check it out if you want to here https://github.com/smellyslab/smellycoin