lgs / heroku_suspenders

thoughtbot's Suspenders modified for Heroku.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Heroku's Suspenders

thoughtbot's Suspenders modified for Heroku.

git clone git://github.com/dancroak/heroku_suspenders.git
cd heroku_suspenders
./script/create_project project_name

This will create a Rails 2.3.2 app with Heroku-recommended code:

  • Paperclip for file uploads, set for Amazon S3
  • Gmail SMTP for email
  • Delayed Job for background processing
  • Hoptoad Notifier for exception notification
  • Google Analytics for usage analytics

... and some other opinions:

  • jQuery for Javascript
  • Clearance for authentication
  • Cucumber, Shoulda, Factory Girl, & Mocha for testing
  • Stylus for CSS framework
  • Coulda for features, model, controller, & helper generators

Get the latest & greatest at anytime with:

git pull heroku_suspenders master

A helper rake task will prompt you for all your production config vars (S3 keys, GMail account, Hoptoad API key...) and set them on your Heroku app:

rake heroku:setup

More details available in doc/README_FOR_TEMPLATE.


The official Suspenders mascot is Suspenders Boy:

Suspenders Boy


thoughtbot's Suspenders modified for Heroku.


Language:Ruby 89.6%Language:JavaScript 10.4%