lgrando1 / baikal

A graph-based functional API for building complex scikit-learn pipelines.

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A graph-based functional API for building complex scikit-learn pipelines.

baikal is written in pure Python. It supports Python 3.5 and above.


  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Quick-start guide
  4. User guide
  5. Examples
  6. Next development steps
  7. Contributing


What is baikal?

baikal is a graph-based, functional API for building complex machine learning pipelines of objects that implement the scikit-learn API. It is mostly inspired on the excellent Keras API for Deep Learning, and borrows a few concepts from the TensorFlow framework and the (perhaps lesser known) graphkit package.

baikal aims to provide an API that allows to build complex, non-linear machine learning pipelines that looks like this:


with code that looks like this:

x1 = Input()
x2 = Input()
y_t = Input()

y1 = ExtraTreesClassifier()(x1, y_t)
y2 = RandomForestClassifier()(x2, y_t)
z = PowerTransformer()(x2)
z = PCA()(z)
y3 = LogisticRegression()(z, y_t)

ensemble_features = Stack()([y1, y2, y3])
y = SVC()(ensemble_features, y_t)

model = Model([x1, x2], y, y_t)

What can I do with it?

With baikal you can

  • build non-linear pipelines effortlessly
  • handle multiple inputs and outputs
  • add steps that operate on targets as part of the pipeline
  • nest pipelines
  • use prediction probabilities (or any other kind of output) as inputs to other steps in the pipeline
  • query intermediate outputs, easing debugging
  • freeze steps that do not require fitting
  • define and add custom steps easily
  • plot pipelines

All with boilerplate-free, readable code.

Why baikal?

The pipeline above (to the best of the author's knowledge) cannot be easily built using scikit-learn's composite estimators API as you encounter some limitations:

  1. It is aimed at linear pipelines
    • You could add some step parallelism with the ColumnTransformer API, but this is limited to transformer objects.
  2. Classifiers/Regressors can only be used at the end of the pipeline.
    • This means we cannot use the predicted labels (or their probabilities) as features to other classifiers/regressors.
    • You could leverage mlxtend's StackingClassifier and come up with some clever combination of the above composite estimators (Pipelines, ColumnTransformers, and StackingClassifiers, etc), but you might end up with code that feels hard-to-follow and verbose.
  3. Cannot handle multiple input/multiple output models.

Perhaps you could instead define a big, composite estimator class that integrates each of the pipeline steps through composition. This, however, most likely will require

  • writing big __init__ methods to control each of the internal steps' knobs;
  • being careful with get_params and set_params if you want to use, say, GridSearchCV;
  • and adding some boilerplate code if you want to access the outputs of intermediate steps for debugging.

By using baikal as shown in the example above, code can be more readable, less verbose and closer to our mental representation of the pipeline. baikal also provides an API to fit, predict with, and query the entire pipeline with single commands, as we will see below.

Key concepts

The baikal API introduces three basic elements:

  • Step: Steps are the building blocks of the API. Conceptually similar to TensorFlow's operations and Keras layers, each Step is a unit of computation (e.g. PCA, Logistic Regression) that take the data from preceding Steps and produce data to be used by other Steps further in the pipeline. Steps are defined by combining the Step mixin class with a base class that implements the scikit-learn API. This is explained in more detail below.
  • DataPlaceholder: The inputs and outputs of Steps. If Steps are like TensorFlow operations or Keras layers, then DataPlaceHolders are akin to tensors. Don't be misled though, DataPlaceholders are just minimal, low-weight auxiliary objects whose main purpose is to keep track of the input/output connectivity between steps, and serve as the keys to map the actual input data to their appropriate Step. They are not arrays/tensors, nor contain any shape/type information whatsoever.
  • Model: A Model is a network (more precisely, a directed acyclic graph) of Steps, and it is defined from the input/output specification of the pipeline. Models have fit and predict routines that, together with graph-based engine, allow the automatic (feed-forward) computation of each of the pipeline steps when fed with data.


pip install baikal


  • numpy

Quick-start guide

Without further ado, here's a short example of a simple SVC model built with baikal:

import sklearn.svm
from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from baikal import make_step, Input, Model

# 1. Define a step
SVC = make_step(sklearn.svm.SVC)

# 2. Build the model
x = Input()
y_t = Input()
y = SVC(C=1.0, kernel="rbf", gamma=0.5)(x, y_t)
model = Model(x, y, y_t)

# 3. Train the model
dataset = load_breast_cancer()
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
    dataset.data, dataset.target, random_state=0

model.fit(X_train, y_train)

# 4. Use the model
y_test_pred = model.predict(X_test)

User guide

As shown in the short example above, the baikal API consists of four basic steps:

  1. Define the steps
  2. Build the model
  3. Train the model
  4. Use the model

Let's take a look at each of them in detail. Full examples can be found in the project's examples folder.

1. Define the steps

A step is defined very easily, just feed the provided make_step function with the class you want to make a step from:

import sklearn.linear_model
from baikal import make_step

LogisticRegression = make_step(sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression)

You can make a step from any class you like, so long that class implements the scikit-learn API.

What this function is doing under the hood, is to combine the given class with the Step mixin class. The Step mixin, among other things, endows the given class with a __call__ method, making the class callable on the outputs (DataPlaceholder objects) of previous steps. If you prefer to do this manually, you only have to:

  1. Define a class that inherits from both the Step mixin and the class you wish to make a step of (in that order!).
  2. In the class __init__, call super().__init__(...) and pass the appropriate step parameters.

For example, to make a step for sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression we do:

import sklearn.linear_model
from baikal import Step

# The order of inheritance is important!
class LogisticRegression(Step, sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression):
    def __init__(self, name=None, function=None, n_outputs=1, trainable=True, **kwargs):

Other steps are defined similarly (omitted here for brevity).

2. Build the model

Once we have defined the steps, we can make a model like shown below. First, you create the initial step, that serves as the entry-point to the model, by calling the Input helper function. This outputs a DataPlaceholder representing one of the inputs to the model. Then, all you have to do is to instantiate the steps and call them on the outputs (DataPlaceholders from previous steps) as you deem appropriate. Finally, you instantiate the model with the inputs/outputs (also DataPlaceholders) that specify your pipeline.

This style should feel familiar to users of Keras.

Note that steps that require target data (like ExtraTreesClassifier, RandomForestClassifier, LogisticRegression and SVC) are called with two arguments. These arguments correspond to the inputs (e.g. x1, x2) and targets (e.g. y_t) of the step. These targets are specified to the Model at instantiation via the third argument. baikal pipelines are made of complex, heterogenous, non-differentiable steps (e.g. a whole RandomForestClassifier, with its own internal learning algorithm), so there's no some magic automatic differentiation that backpropagates the target information from the outputs to the appropriate steps, so we must specify which step needs which targets directly.

from baikal import Input, Model
from baikal.steps import Stack

# Assume the steps below were already defined
x1 = Input()
x2 = Input()
y_t = Input()

y1 = ExtraTreesClassifier()(x1, y_t)
y2 = RandomForestClassifier()(x2, y_t)
z = PowerTransformer()(x2)
z = PCA()(z)
y3 = LogisticRegression()(z, y_t)

ensemble_features = Stack()([y1, y2, y3])
y = SVC()(ensemble_features, y_t)

model = Model([x1, x2], y, y_t)

(*) Steps are called on and output DataPlaceHolders. DataPlaceholders are produced and consumed exclusively by Steps, so you do not need to instantiate these yourself.

Note: Currently, calling the same step on different inputs and targets to reuse the step (similar to the concept of shared layers and nodes in Keras) is not supported. Calling a step twice on different inputs will override the connectivity from the first call. Support for shareable steps might be added in future releases.

3. Train the model

Now that we have built a model, we are ready to train it. The model also follows the scikit-learn API, as it has a fit method:

model.fit(X=[X1_train, X2_train], y=y_train)

The model will automatically propagate the data through the pipeline and fit any internal steps that require training.

The fit function takes three arguments:

  • X: Input data (independent variables).
    • It can be either of the following:
      • A single array-like object (in the case of a single input)
      • A list of array-like objects (in the case of multiple inputs)
      • A dictionary mapping DataPlaceholders (or their names) to array-like objects. The keys must be among the inputs passed at instantiation.
  • y (optional): Target data (dependent variables).
    • It can either of the following:
      • None (in the case all steps are either non-trainable and/or unsupervised learning steps)
      • A single array-like object (in the case of a single target)
      • A list of array-like objects (in the case of multiple targets)
      • A dictionary mapping DataPlaceholders (or their names) to array-like objects. The keys must be among the targets passed at instantiation.

4. Use the model

To predict with model, just pass the input data like you would for the fit method. The model will automatically propagate the inputs through all the steps and produce the outputs specified at instantiation.

y_test_pred = model.predict([X1_test, X2_test])

# This also works:
y_test_pred = model.predict({x1: X1_test, x2: X2_test})

Models are query-able. That is, you can request other outputs other than those specified at model instantiation. This allows querying intermediate outputs and ease debugging. For example, to get both the output from PCA and the ExtraTreesClassifier:

outs = model.predict(
    [X1_test, X2_test], output_names=["ExtraTreesClassifier_0/0", "PCA_0/0"]

You don't need to pass inputs that are not required to compute the queried output. For example, if we just want the output of PowerTransformer:

outs = model.predict({x2: X2_data}, output_names="PowerTransformer_0/0")

Models are also nestable. In fact, Models are steps, too. This allows composing smaller models into bigger ones, like so:

# Assume we have two previously built complex
# classifier models, perhaps loaded from a file.
submodel1 = ...
submodel2 = ...

# Now we make an stacked classifier from both submodels
x = Input()
y_t = Input()
y1 = submodel1(x)
y2 = submodel2(x, y_t)
z = Stack()([y1, y2])
y = SVC()(z, y_t)
bigmodel = Model(x, y, y_t)

Persisting the model

Like sklearn objects, models can be serialized with pickle or joblib without any extra setup:

import joblib
joblib.dump(model, "model.pkl")
model_reloaded = joblib.load("model.pkl")

Keep in mind, however, the security and maintainability limitations of these formats.


sklearn wrapper for GridSearchCV

Currently, baikal also provides a wrapper utility class that allows models to used in scikit-learn's GridSearchCV API. Below there's a code snippet showing its usage. It follows the style of Keras' own wrapper. Here is an example script of this utility.

A future release of baikal plans to include a custom GridSearchCV API, based on the original scikit-learn implementation, that can handle baikal models natively, avoiding a couple of gotchas with the current wrapper implementation (mentioned below).

# 1. Define a function that returns your baikal model
def build_fn():
    x = Input()
    y_t = Input()
    h = PCA(random_state=random_state, name="pca")(x)
    y = LogisticRegression(random_state=random_state, name="classifier")(h, y_t)
    model = Model(x, y, y_t)
    return model

# 2. Define a parameter grid
# - keys have the [step-name]__[parameter-name] format, similar to sklearn Pipelines
# - You can also search over the steps themselves using [step-name] keys
param_grid = [
        "classifier": [LogisticRegression()],
        "classifier__C": [0.01, 0.1, 1],
        "pca__n_components": [1, 2, 3, 4],
        "classifier": [RandomForestClassifier()],
        "classifier__n_estimators": [10, 50, 100],

# 3. Instantiate the wrapper
sk_model = SKLearnWrapper(build_fn)

# 4. Use GridSearchCV as usual
gscv_baikal = GridSearchCV(sk_model, param_grid)
gscv_baikal.fit(x_data, y_data)
best_model = gscv_baikal.best_estimator_.model

Currently there are a couple of gotchas:

  • The cv argument of GridSearchCV will default to KFold if the estimator is a baikal Model, so you have to specify an appropriate splitter directly if you need another splitting scheme.
  • GridSearchCV cannot handle models with multiple inputs/outputs. A way to work around this is to split the input data and merge the outputs within the model.

Plotting your model

The baikal package includes a plot utility:

from baikal.plot import plot_model
plot_model(model, filename="model.png")

For the example above, it produces this:

In order to use the plot utility, you need to install pydot and graphviz.


Stacked classifiers

Similar to the the example in the quick-start above, stacks of classifiers (or regressors) can be built like shown below. Note that you can specify the function the step should use for computation, in this case function='predict_proba' to use the label probabilities as the features of the meta-classifier.

x = Input()
y_t = Input()
y1 = LogisticRegression(function="predict_proba")(x, y_t)
y2 = RandomForestClassifier(function="predict_proba")(x, y_t)
ensemble_features = Stack()([y1, y2])
y = ExtraTreesClassifier()(ensemble_features, y_t)

model = Model(x, y, y_t)

Click here for a full example.

Classifier chain

The API also lends itself for more interesting configurations, such as that of classifier chains. By leveraging the API and Python's own control flow, a classifier chain model can be built as follows:

x = Input()
y_t = Input()
order = list(range(n_targets))

ys_t = Split(n_targets, axis=1)(y_t)
ys_p = []
for j, k in enumerate(order):
    x_stacked = ColumnStack()([x, *ys_p[:j]])
    ys_t[k] = Lambda(np.squeeze, axis=1)(ys_t[k])
    ys_p.append(LogisticRegression()(x_stacked, ys_t[k]))

ys_p = [ys_p[order.index(j)] for j in range(n_targets)]
y_p = ColumnStack()(ys_p)

model = Model(x, y_p, y_t)

Click here for a full example.

Sure, scikit-learn already does have ClassifierChain and RegressorChain classes for this. But with baikal you could, for example, mix classifiers and regressors to predict multilabels that include both categorical and continuous labels.

Next development steps

  • Make a step class factory function.
  • Treat targets as first-class citizens in the Model. Currently, targets are not treated like formal inputs of the graph, and the only way a Model handles them is via the Model.fit interface, which makes difficult applying steps to them (e.g. log transformation on regression targets).
  • (in progress) Add parallelization to Model.fit and Model.predict (using joblib Parallel API).
  • Add caching of intermediate results to Model.fit and Model.predict (using joblib Memory API).
  • Make a custom GridSearchCV API, based on the original scikit-learn implementation, that can handle baikal models with multiple inputs and outputs natively.
  • Make steps shareable.
  • Add support for steps that can take extra options in their predict method.
  • Grow the merge steps module and add support for data structures other than numpy arrays (e.g. pandas dataframes). Some steps that could be added are:
    • Single array aggregation (sum, average, maximum, minimum, etc).
    • Element-wise aggregation of multiple arrays.


  • Bug reports and fixes are always welcome!
  • Contributions to extend/refactor/improve/document the API are also welcome! baikal is currently a one-man operation, and it could benefit from more minds and hands working on it :)

Setting up the development environment

  1. Clone the project.
  2. From the project root folder run: make setup_dev.
    • This will create a virtualenv and install the package in development mode.
    • It will also install a pre-commit hook for the black code formatter.
    • You need Python 3.5 or above.
  3. To run the tests use: make test, or make test-cov to include coverage.
    • The tests include a test for the plot utility, so you need to install graphviz.


A graph-based functional API for building complex scikit-learn pipelines.

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Python 99.0%Language:Makefile 0.8%Language:Shell 0.2%