lgbouma / gyro-interp

Gyrochronology via interpolation of open cluster rotation sequences.

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Add Gruner+23 M67 K-dwarfs

lgbouma opened this issue · comments

Gruner, Barnes and Weingrill recently analyzed the K2 superstamp for M67.

They reported new rotation periods for some of the K-dwarfs, which are nicely intermediate between the (already implemented) Barnes+2016 and Dungee+2022 M67 sequences.

The purpose of this issue is to suggest:

a) incorporating these new K-dwarf rotation periods into the 4 Gyr rotational isochrone.

b) fixing its age to 3.6 Gyr instead of 4 Gyr, based on the upper main sequence turn-off shown in Gruner+23 Figure 3.

The latter point would require more literature assessment to see whether the "4 Gyr" camp has other lines of evidence than this turn-off.

Resolved in version 0.4, 95f9e12

The updated "gyrochrones" with Δt = 250 Myr look like this:


We kept the implemented age at the nominal 4 Gyr (for now), based on literature consensus / shorthand.