lfranke / TRIPS

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Build fails in Linux (wsl2)

AlessioRegal opened this issue · comments


When running the make -j10 command I receive the following compilation error:

[ 93%] Building CUDA object src/lib/CMakeFiles/NeuralPoints.dir/models/MyAdam.cu.o /home/ale/TRIPS/src/lib/models/MyAdam.cu(184): error: namespace "c10::guts" has no member "to_string" /home/ale/TRIPS/src/lib/models/MyAdam.cu(202): error: namespace "c10::guts" has no member "to_string" /home/ale/TRIPS/src/lib/models/MyAdam.cu(205): error: namespace "c10::guts" has no member "to_string" /home/ale/TRIPS/src/lib/models/MyAdam.cu(354): error: namespace "c10::guts" has no member "to_string" /home/ale/TRIPS/src/lib/models/MyAdam.cu(357): error: namespace "c10::guts" has no member "to_string" /home/ale/TRIPS/src/lib/models/MyAdam.cu(383): error: namespace "c10::guts" has no member "to_string" /home/ale/TRIPS/src/lib/models/MyAdam.cu(386): error: namespace "c10::guts" has no member "to_string"

As a further (potentially useful) information, I get this warning when running the cmake command:

-- Added CUDA NVCC flags for: -gencode;arch=compute_89,code=sm_89 CMake Warning at /home/ale/miniconda3/envs/trips/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/share/cmake/Torch/TorchConfig.cmake:22 (message): static library kineto_LIBRARY-NOTFOUND not found. Call Stack (most recent call first): /home/ale/miniconda3/envs/trips/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/share/cmake/Torch/TorchConfig.cmake:127 (append_torchlib_if_found) CMakeLists.txt:78 (find_package)

How can I fix the compilation error?
Thank you in advance.

I would think there is a version mismatch in libtorch. It seems you installed it via conda?
Also: WSL is not supported at the moment. For the viewer, we use CUDA-OpenGL interop, which is not supported in WSL (at least last time I checked)