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Mandelbrot demo: show the image

certik opened this issue · comments



Here is a code that compiles to WAT at dev.lfortran.org: https://gitlab.com/lfortran/lfortran/-/issues/702#note_1059822597, but the execution window says:

ERROR: The code could not be executed. Either there is a runtime error or there is an issue at our end.

So we need to investigate what is going on.

I had to reduce the image size. This works:

program mandelbrot
    implicit none
    integer  , parameter :: rk       =  8
    integer  , parameter :: i_max    =  80
    integer  , parameter :: j_max    =  60
    integer  , parameter :: n_max    =  100
    real (rk), parameter :: x_centre = -0.5_rk
    real (rk), parameter :: y_centre =  0.0_rk
    real (rk), parameter :: width    =  4.0_rk
    real (rk), parameter :: height   =  3.0_rk
    real (rk), parameter :: dx_di    =   width / i_max
    real (rk), parameter :: dy_dj    = -height / j_max
    real (rk), parameter :: x_offset = x_centre - 0.5_rk * (i_max + 1) * dx_di
    real (rk), parameter :: y_offset = y_centre - 0.5_rk * (j_max + 1) * dy_dj
    integer :: image(i_max, j_max)
    integer   :: i
    integer   :: j
    integer   :: n
    real (rk) :: x
    real (rk) :: y
    real (rk) :: x_0
    real (rk) :: y_0
    real (rk) :: x_sqr
    real (rk) :: y_sqr

    do j = 1, j_max
      y_0 = y_offset + dy_dj * j
      do i = 1, i_max
        x_0 = x_offset + dx_di * i
        x = 0.0_rk
        y = 0.0_rk
        n = 0
          x_sqr = x * x
          y_sqr = y * y
          if (x_sqr + y_sqr > 4.0_rk) then
            image(i,j) = 255
          end if
          if (n == n_max) then
            image(i,j) = 0
          end if
          y = y_0 + 2.0_rk * x * y
          x = x_0 + x_sqr - y_sqr
          n = n + 1
        end do
      end do
    end do

    print '(a)', 'P2'
    print '(i0, 1x, i0)', i_max, j_max
    print '(i0)', 255
    do j = 1, j_max
      do i = 1, i_max
        print '(i0)', image(i,j)
      end do
    end do
end program mandelbrot

And produces the correct output. Just copy & paste the output into a file mandelbrot.pbm and open it in some image program and it works!


The last missing piece is how to show the image in the webpage itself as an image. The approach how to do it is described here:

It seems the initial example code failed due to insufficient memory. We recently increased the memory limit in lfortran/lfortran#126. Probably, the current lfortran.wasm at dev.lfortran.org was compiled prior to the increase in memory and I guess, therefore the error. I will update the lfortran.wasm (and lfortran.js) at dev.lfortran.org with the latest one soon.

@Shaikh-Ubaid I think that's right. Even the pow that we fixed didn't work, so you can see I worked around it too. These are both quite easy to fix.

Please, could someone possibly share if this issue is complete?

This is fixed! Thank you so much @Shaikh-Ubaid for implementing it. Here is how it looks like for me now at dev.lfortran.org:

Screen Shot 2022-08-14 at 8 50 42 AM