lfkwtz / sass-mix

Library of useful sass mixins

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Sass Mix

Library of useful sass mixins

Blending functions

These functions attempt to support the color blending Photoshop provides. All functions expect a color as the $foreground and $background colors. The colors can be any hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, or hsla color supported by Sass. Blending functions work by combining the colors from the top-most layer, the $foreground, with the lower layer, the $background.

NOTE: All blending and HSV functions were taken directly from scss-blend-modes, namespaced under mix-, and reordered to work without compass support.

  • mix-blend-normal( $foreground, $background ) - Normal is used primarily to preserve the opacity after the blending has been applied to the RGB values.
  • mix-blend-multiply( $foreground, $background )
  • mix-blend-lighten( $foreground, $background )
  • mix-blend-darken( $foreground, $background )
  • mix-blend-darkercolor( $foreground, $background ) - Not found in Photoshop.
  • mix-blend-lightercolor( $foreground, $background ) - Not found in Photoshop.
  • mix-blend-lineardodge( $foreground, $background )
  • mix-blend-linearburn( $foreground, $background )
  • mix-blend-difference( $foreground, $background )
  • mix-blend-screen( $foreground, $background )
  • mix-blend-exclusion( $foreground, $background )
  • mix-blend-overlay( $foreground, $background )
  • mix-blend-softlight( $foreground, $background )
  • mix-blend-hardlight( $foreground, $background )
  • mix-blend-colordodge( $foreground, $background )
  • mix-blend-colorburn( $foreground, $background )
  • mix-blend-linearlight( $foreground, $background )
  • mix-blend-vividlight( $foreground, $background )
  • mix-blend-pinlight( $foreground, $background )
  • mix-blend-hardmix( $foreground, $background )
  • mix-blend-colorblend( $foreground, $background )
  • mix-blend-dissolve( $foreground, $background ) - Not implemented. Dissolve treats transparency as a pixel pattern and applies a diffusion dither pattern.
  • mix-blend-divide( $foreground, $background )
  • mix-blend-hue( $foreground, $background )
  • mix-blend-luminosity( $foreground, $background )
  • mix-blend-saturation( $foreground, $background )
  • mix-blend-subtract( $foreground, $background )


// Solid background
.multiply {
  background-color: blend-multiply(#7FFFD4, #DEB887);

// RGBa background
.multiply {
  background-color: blend-multiply(rgba(#7FFFD4, 0.5), rgba(#DEB887, 0.5));

HSV Functions

These functions are used to convert between RGB, HSL and HSV color formats. The HSV color format is not natively supported by CSS or Sass. These functions were taken directly from this Gist. HSV values are used to calculate the results for the mix-blend-colorblend, mix-blend-hue, mix-blend-luminosity and mix-blend-saturation functions.

NOTE: As above, these are from scss-blend-modes.

  • mix-hsv-to-hsl( $h, [ $s: 0, $v: 0 ] ) - Converts a HSV color values into HSL color values. $h can be a list of three values representing $h, $s and $v.
  • mix-hsl-to-hsv( $h, [ $ss: 0, $ll: 0 ] ) - Converts a HSL color values into HSV color values. $h can be a list of three values representing $h, $ss and $ll.
  • mix-color-to-hsv( $color ) - Converts a Sass Color into a list HSV color values.
  • mix-hsv-to-color( $h, [ $s: 0, $v: 0 ] ) - Converts a list of HSV color values into a Sass Color. $h can be a list of three values representing $h, $s and $v


Center transform an element on an axis. Doesn't include position absolute.

@include mix-center( [ x, y, xy ] )


.container {
  position: relative;
  height: 500px;
  width: 500px;

  .centered {
    position: absolute;
    @include mix-center;


Clearfix an element containing floats.

@include mix-clearfix


.container {
  @include mix-clearfix;

  .float-left {
    float: left;

  .float-right {
    float: right;

Pick Visible Color

Returns the most visible colour for a given background.

@include mix-pick-visible-color( $foreground, $color-1, $color-2, )


.panel__heading {
  color: mix-pick-visible-color($background-color, $black-text-color, $white-text-color);

Tint and Shade

Alternative to sass lighten and darken. Tint is a mix of color with white, shade is a mix of color with black.

mix-tint( $color, $percentage )

mix-shade( $color, $percentage )


.background {
  background-color: mix-tint(red, 40%);

.background {
  background-color: mix-shade(blue, 60%);


Truncate text and add an ellipsis

@include mix-ellipsis( [ $width: 100% ] )


.panel__heading {
  @include mix-ellipsis(90%);

.panel__heading {
  // Defaults to 100%
  @include mix-ellipsis;

Viewport Units

Fix for vw, vh, vmin, vmax on iOS 7. Works by replacing viewport units with px values on known screen sizes.

@include mix-viewport-unit( $property, $value )


.banner {
  @include mix-viewport-unit(height, 50vh);


Target high DPI devices.

NOTE: Default of 1.3 targets the Nexus 7. You can find more DPI ratios here.

@include mix-viewport-unit( [$ratio: 1.3] )


.image {
  background-image: url("normal-dpi.png");

  @include mix-hidpi(1.5) {
    background-image: url("high-dpi.png");

Smart Underline

Create a nice underline styling that is cut by the descendants

The background variable define the text-shadow that create the cut effect, it needs to be set to the background of the container.

@include smart-underline( [$background: #fff], [$text: #fff], [$hover: #00acb0]) )


.container {
  background-color: black

.container .link {
  @include smart-underline(black, white, grey);

Image Shade

Add an image overlay

@mixin image-shade([$percent: 20%],[$color: #000]);


.img {
  @include image-shade(50%, black);


.img {
  position: relative;

.img:before {
  content: '';
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  bottom: 0;

  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
  pointer-events: none;

Aspect Ratio

Using psuedo elements to maintain an elements aspect ratio, even as it scales

@mixin aspect-ratio($width, $height);


.sixteen-nine {
  @include aspect-ratio(16, 9);


.sixteen-nine {
  position: relative;

.sixteen-nine:before {
  display: block;
  content: "";
  width: 100%;
  padding-top: 56.25%;

.sixteen-nine > .content {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  bottom: 0;

Reset input

Reset the style of an input field

@mixin reset-input();


.text-input {
  @include reset-input();


.text-input {
  -webkit-appearance: none;
  border-radius: 0 !important;
  background: transparent;
  outline: 0;
  border: 0;


Library of useful sass mixins

License:MIT License


Language:CSS 100.0%