lexus2k / ssd1306

Driver for SSD1306, SSD1331, SSD1351, IL9163, ILI9341, ST7735, PCD8544, Nokia 5110 displays running on Arduino/ESP32/Linux (Rasperry) platforms

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All fonts render garbage

amyspark opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
With current master, all fonts render garbage in my toy clock application. This bug was introduced in 67ffeb4 as per git bisect starting from v1.7.12; I don't know specifically what causes it.

To Reproduce
Upload the following sample to your board of choice (mine is an Arduino Uno, with a ST7735 LCD panel connected):

#include <ssd1306.h>

void setup() {
  st7735_128x160_spi_init(8, 10, 9);
  ssd1306_printFixed(0, 0, "111", STYLE_NORMAL);

void loop()


Expected behavior
I wanted to see "asd" in the screen. Instead, I get what is shown in the photo below.


Please complete the following information:

  • library version: ae3339c
  • LCD display type: st7735, 160x128, green tab
  • OS [e.g. linux, windows]: MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6
  • Platform [e.g. Atmega328p, esp32, etc.]: Arduino Uno (Atmega328p)
  • IDE if using some: Arduino 1.8.9, AVR toolchain v1.6.21

Additional context
I edited the original description to use supported characters.

Thank you for reporting. I confirm, the issue exists

Can you try the following code instead?

#include <ssd1306.h>

void setup() {
  st7735_128x160_spi_init(8, 10, 9);
  ssd1306_printFixed8(0, 0, "111", STYLE_NORMAL);

void loop()


It should work for you. Use suffix 8 for color displays.

I can confirm this works with printFixed8. What's the issue here?

I reverted last 3 commits. So, now original example from your description should work as is.
The issue was related to the functionality, which I removed from the library. Thank you for reporting, I will think on how to do changes to the library more carefully.