lexi-lambda / threading

Threading macros for Racket

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commit de68f80 drops support for Racket 6.2

greghendershott opened this issue · comments

Travis ran a "cron" job today on frog and it failed for Racket 6.2:

Downloading https://github.com/lexi-lambda/threading/tarball/dee85e8d3cffaed85eb27bed8a8c61fc1eea8395
raco pkg install: version mismatch for dependency
  for package: rackjure
  mismatch packages:
   threading (have 0.0, need 1.1)
make: *** [install] Error 1

It looks like this is due to your recent commit de68f80 ?

Interestingly frog built fine for Racket 6.1 and 6.1.1 -- is that because you have a version exception? It looks like 6.2 is falling between these two approaches?

Note that Pollen uses markdown which uses rackjure which uses threading, so, I'm kind of caught in the middle here. On April 11 I dropped support some older Rackets but @mbutterick said Pollen needs to support 6.0 so I undid that on April 12.

Odd. I added version exceptions for 6.2 and 6.2.1 when I made that commit, so I’m trying to understand why the Travis build fails on 6.2. I’ll try and investigate.

Should be fixed now if you re-run the job; I had a misconfigured version exception. Thanks for catching this, and it shows that continuous integration is working as intended. :)


It's only within the last couple months that I enabled a Travis CI "cron" job (build periodically even if the repo itself hasn't changed) for Frog. Although the Racket package server does some equivalent of this it's only for the most-recent Racket version.