lexbor / lexbor

Lexbor is development of an open source HTML Renderer library. https://lexbor.com

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

File permissions

petk opened this issue · comments

Hello, there are many files in the lexbor Git repository tracked with permissions 0755 (executable). Git can track executable (0755) and non-executable (0644) file modes. Would it be fine to sent PR that changes permissions for some of those files that can be tracked with the usual 644 permissions?

This would help when the lexbor needs to be bundled in other Git repositories. Thanks.

5 files from 664 to 775
✘ utils/lexbor/unicode/idna_test.pl
  - permissions from 664 to 775

✘ utils/lexbor/unicode/make.pl
  - permissions from 664 to 775

✘ utils/lexbor/unicode/test.pl
  - permissions from 664 to 775

✘ utils/lexbor/css/syntax/definitions.py
  - permissiosn from 664 to 775

✘ utils/lexbor/css/syntax/tokenizer_code_map.py
  - permissions from 664 to 775
458 of 1142 files from 775 to 664
✘ source/lexbor/utils/config.cmake
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/punycode/config.cmake
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/css/syntax/tokenizer.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/css/syntax/tokenizer/error.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/css/syntax/tokenizer/error.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/css/syntax/tokenizer.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/css/config.cmake
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/tag/tag.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/tag/tag.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/tag/config.cmake
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/url/config.cmake
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/token.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/token.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interface.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tag.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree_res.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interface.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/anchor_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/output_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/d_list_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/heading_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/html_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/body_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/table_caption_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/directory_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/table_section_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/d_list_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/u_list_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/paragraph_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/legend_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/label_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/template_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/font_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/title_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/embed_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/div_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/button_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/track_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/script_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/script_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/head_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/table_cell_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/base_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/document.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/frame_set_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/time_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/document.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/form_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/menu_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/select_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/text_area_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/data_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/media_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/menu_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/unknown_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/image_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/select_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/details_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/hr_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/window.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/quote_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/details_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/option_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/data_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/table_cell_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/area_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/label_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/canvas_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/source_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/iframe_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/track_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/table_row_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/heading_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/meter_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/title_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/quote_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/link_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/table_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/window.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/br_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/frame_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/table_row_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/progress_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/meta_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/meta_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/map_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/pre_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/audio_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/frame_set_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/canvas_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/video_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/template_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/input_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/pre_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/field_set_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/form_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/opt_group_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/mod_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/meter_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/body_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/html_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/paragraph_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/hr_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/mod_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/li_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/slot_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/picture_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/legend_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/object_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/option_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/output_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/dialog_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/br_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/style_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/base_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/style_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/u_list_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/slot_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/marquee_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/frame_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/table_col_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/link_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/span_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/dialog_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/table_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/head_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/marquee_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/image_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/table_col_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/li_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/data_list_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/map_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/span_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/font_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/table_section_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/opt_group_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/audio_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/source_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/area_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/field_set_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/progress_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/data_list_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/param_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/div_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/anchor_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/input_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/iframe_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/table_caption_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/picture_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/directory_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/text_area_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/param_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/button_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/o_list_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/object_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/unknown_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/o_list_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/media_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/embed_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/video_element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/interfaces/time_element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tokenizer.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/open_elements.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/insertion_mode.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/active_formatting.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/insertion_mode/in_caption.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/insertion_mode/in_table_body.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/insertion_mode/in_frameset.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/insertion_mode/in_table.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/insertion_mode/in_template.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/insertion_mode/in_head_noscript.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/insertion_mode/foreign_content.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/insertion_mode/in_table_text.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/insertion_mode/in_body.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/insertion_mode/after_body.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/insertion_mode/in_head.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/insertion_mode/after_frameset.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/insertion_mode/before_head.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/insertion_mode/initial.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/insertion_mode/after_after_body.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/insertion_mode/in_select.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/insertion_mode/text.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/insertion_mode/before_html.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/insertion_mode/in_select_in_table.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/insertion_mode/in_cell.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/insertion_mode/after_head.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/insertion_mode/in_row.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/insertion_mode/after_after_frameset.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/insertion_mode/in_column_group.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/error.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/active_formatting.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/template_insertion.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/error.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/template_insertion.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tree/open_elements.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tokenizer/state_doctype.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tokenizer/res.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tokenizer/state_rcdata.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tokenizer/state_comment.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tokenizer/state_script.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tokenizer/state_rawtext.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tokenizer/state_rcdata.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tokenizer/error.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tokenizer/state_rawtext.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tokenizer/state.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tokenizer/state.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tokenizer/state_doctype.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tokenizer/error.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tokenizer/state_comment.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tokenizer/state_script.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/base.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/serialize.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/token_attr.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/serialize.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/tokenizer.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/config.cmake
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/parser.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/parser.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/html/token_attr.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/unicode/config.cmake
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/encoding/config.cmake
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/ns/ns.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/ns/ns.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/ns/config.cmake
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/dom/interface.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/dom/interfaces/character_data.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/dom/interfaces/document_type.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/dom/interfaces/comment.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/dom/interfaces/element.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/dom/interfaces/element.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/dom/interfaces/document.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/dom/interfaces/document.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/dom/interfaces/document_type.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/dom/interfaces/shadow_root.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/dom/interfaces/document_fragment.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/dom/interfaces/node.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/dom/interfaces/shadow_root.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/dom/interfaces/character_data.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/dom/interfaces/comment.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/dom/interfaces/document_fragment.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/dom/interfaces/text.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/dom/interfaces/event_target.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/dom/interfaces/node.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/dom/interfaces/text.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/dom/interfaces/processing_instruction.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/dom/interfaces/event_target.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/dom/interfaces/cdata_section.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/dom/interfaces/processing_instruction.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/dom/interfaces/cdata_section.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/dom/config.cmake
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/shs.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/utils.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/strtod.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/in.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/sbst.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/lexbor.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/dtoa.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/bst.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/str.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/dtoa.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/bst_map.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/shs.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/array.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/diyfp.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/dobject.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/mraw.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/plog.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/avl.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/bst_map.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/str_res.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/bst.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/dobject.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/array.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/str.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/utils.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/mem.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/fs.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/in.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/types.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/def.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/avl.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/mraw.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/array_obj.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/diyfp.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/config.cmake
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/plog.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/mem.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/strtod.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/core/array_obj.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/selectors/config.cmake
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/ports/posix/lexbor/core/memory.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/ports/posix/lexbor/core/fs.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/ports/posix/config.cmake
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/ports/windows_nt/lexbor/core/memory.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ source/lexbor/ports/windows_nt/config.cmake
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ examples/lexbor/encoding/single/from_to.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ examples/lexbor/encoding/single/decode/decode.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ examples/lexbor/encoding/single/decode/validate.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ examples/lexbor/encoding/single/decode/decoder.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ examples/lexbor/encoding/single/encode/validate.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ examples/lexbor/encoding/single/encode/encoder.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ examples/lexbor/encoding/single/encode/encode.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ packaging/README.md
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/tag_ns/tmp/interface.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/tag_ns/tmp/ns_res.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/tag_ns/tmp/html_interface_res.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/tag_ns/tmp/html_tag_res.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/tag_ns/tmp/ns_const.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/tag_ns/tmp/test/tag_res.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/tag_ns/tmp/test/ns_res.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/tag_ns/tmp/interface.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/tag_ns/tmp/tag_res.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/tag_ns/tmp/tag_const.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/tag_ns/data/tags.json
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/tag_ns/data/interfaces.json
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/css/tmp/res.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/css/tmp/value_res.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/css/tmp/value_const.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/css/tmp/const.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/css/selectors/tmp/res.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/css/selectors/tmp/const.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/html/tmp/insertion_mode.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/html/tmp/tokenizer_res.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/html/tmp/insertion_mode.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/html/data/entities.json
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/grammar/token.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/grammar/token.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/grammar/node.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/grammar/tokenizer.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/grammar/base.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/grammar/node.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/grammar/grammar.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/grammar/tokenizer.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/grammar/parser.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/grammar/parser.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/encoding/tmp/range.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/encoding/tmp/multi.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/encoding/tmp/res.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/encoding/tmp/buffer_single_byte_test.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/encoding/tmp/single_byte_test.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/encoding/tmp/single.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/encoding/tmp/single.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/encoding/tmp/range.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/encoding/tmp/multi.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/encoding/tmp/const.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/encoding/tmp/res.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/dom/tmp/res.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ utils/lexbor/dom/tmp/const.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/punycode/base.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/css/declarations.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/css/stylesheet.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/css/syntax/an_plus_b.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/css/syntax/tokenizer_queue.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/css/syntax/style.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/css/syntax/tokenizer.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/css/syntax/parser.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/css/syntax/parser_offsets.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/css/selectors/specificity.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/css/selectors/selectors.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/url/parser.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/html/attributes.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/html/tags.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/html/tokenizer_helper.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/html/parse.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/html/tree_builder.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/html/other.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/html/element_by.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/html/build-cpp.cpp
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/html/tree/open_elements.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/html/encoding.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/html/tokenizer_tokens.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/html/serialize.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/html/clone.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/unicode/normalization_forms.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/unicode/idna_type.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/unicode/normalization_forms_code_points.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/unicode/idna_codepoints.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/unicode/idna.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/unicode/edges_normalization_forms.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/koi8_r.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/windows_1251.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/iso_8859_14.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/utf-8.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/windows_1258.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/iso_8859_4.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/iso_8859_8.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/macintosh.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/iso_8859_16.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/iso_8859_13.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/windows_1254.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/encoding.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/iso_2022_jp.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/x_mac_cyrillic.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/shift_jis.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/windows_1253.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/iso_8859_5.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/big5.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/iso_8859_15.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/windows_1250.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/iso_8859_10.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/windows_1256.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/iso_8859_3.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/iso_8859_6.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/iso_8859_2.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/windows_874.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/gb18030.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/ibm866.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/euc_kr.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/utf-16.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/windows_1257.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/koi8_u.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/windows_1255.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/euc_jp.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/windows_1252.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/single/iso_8859_7.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/buffer/utf-8.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/buffer/iso_2022_jp.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/buffer/shift_jis.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/buffer/big5.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/buffer/gb18030.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/buffer/euc_kr.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/buffer/utf-16.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/encoding/buffer/euc_jp.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/core/str.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/core/bst_map.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/core/bst.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/core/dobject.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/core/array.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/core/in.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/core/avl.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/core/mraw.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/core/array_obj.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/core/hash.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/core/mem.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/selectors/selectors.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/style/element_events.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/style/not_html_namespace.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/lexbor/style/style_tag.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/files/lexbor/css/syntax/tokenizer/reverse-solidus.ton
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/files/lexbor/css/syntax/tokenizer/string.ton
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/files/lexbor/html/html5_test/README.md
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/files/lexbor/html/tokenizer/tag_name.ton
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/files/lexbor/html/tokenizer/doctype.ton
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/files/lexbor/html/tokenizer/comment.ton
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/files/lexbor/html/tokenizer/tag_attr.ton
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/files/lexbor/html/tokenizer/char_ref.ton
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/unit/kv_rules.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/unit/test.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/unit/kv_state.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/unit/kv.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/unit/kv.h
  - permissions from 775 to 664

✘ test/unit/test.c
  - permissions from 775 to 664

  - permissions from 775 to 664

Hello @petk

You can send a PR or I can change the permissions myself.
Thanks for the report!

Great. PRs sent. Thanks!


Merged. Thanks!