lewis6991 / gitsigns.nvim

Git integration for buffers

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Be able to get git repository status from global variable

Aryonal opened this issue · comments


Thanks to vim.b.gitsigns_* variables, it's really easy to get git status for a buffer. However, I don't find a similar way to fetch the repository git status. I think it would be helpful if we could get the info from a global variable.


Create global variables for repository git status, e.g. vim.g.gitsigns_status, and vim.g.gitsigns_status_dict.

Stored information

On different verbosity levels, I would imagine the following information could be stored, from low to high

  1. A flag whether the repo has changed
  2. The number of changed files in total
  3. Sophisticated information on numbers of files in different statuses, like modified, added, staged, etc.

Sorry but I'll pass, Gitsigns isn't needed for this.

@lewis6991 Thank you for responding!

Can I know why isn't Gitsigns needed for this? My apologise if I missed some obvious reasons, or existing implementations.

The reason I ask is that I tried to implement it on my local and it's working, if it's an acceptable feature, I would like to raise a PR if it's allowed.