lewes6369 / tensorRTWrapper

TensorRT Net Wrapper

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

some build troble

opened this issue · comments

when i make it,it`s fail.
tensorRTWrapper/code/include/PluginFactory.h:54:141: error: invalid new-expression of abstract class type ‘nvinfer1::UpsampleLayerPlugin’
UpsampleLayerPlugin>(new UpsampleLayerPlugin(UPSAMPLE_SCALE,CUDA_THREAD_NUM)));

Hi @JoelYang-github what is your TensorRT version? I only tried in

5.0.4 on ubuntu18.04 with CUDA v10.0.

I modified this bug.
Because my GCC let me implement all the virtual functions of the parent class.

Hi,@JoelYang-github ,which abstract function are not implemented? It seems that I have already override the virtual funcs inherited from the IPluginExt. Can you show me the funcs ,Thanks.

I modified this bug.
Because my GCC let me implement all the virtual functions of the parent class.

Hi, I have the same problem. Could you please tell me how to fix it?
