lewes6369 / tensorRTWrapper

TensorRT Net Wrapper

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this wrapper can support PRelu?

SyGoing opened this issue · comments

HI,@SyGoing. For PRelu, you can just call createPReLUPlugin in PluginFactory.h checked by the layer name. It is implemented by tensorRT, but you need to load the alpha param.

Thanks for your reply, I have implement the prelu with the pluginFactory while I didn't use the createPReLUPlugin ,since I don't know how to use it . I will read your code again.

Rencently, I have seen somebody using the relu and scale to implement the PRelu Layer for keeping the TensorRT's CBR .

Thanks for your sharing.In my code I just used as LeakyRelu.
Could you share the url of the work mentioned above ? What is the network tested?

My PRelu implementation have not put on the github,while the other one have used the relu and scale method which is good for mtcnn's prelu layer: https://github.com/PKUZHOU/MTCNN_FaceDetection_TensorRT

Thanks. I will have a look :)