lewang / flx

Fuzzy matching for Emacs ... a la Sublime Text.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

open directories

fommil opened this issue · comments


Hi, thanks for this plugin. I just started using it with projectile and it's very nice.

I turned it on for all the things (all the global flags in the README) and although find-file was awesome, it couldn't work out how to open directories! Opening directories with find-file is a really key part of my workflow.

flx in find-file seems to be only trying to find files: how can I get it back so that directories appear in the list and pressing return on them will open them in dired?

C-d, navigate to the directory, select ., press enter.

Alternatively, C-f, navigate to the target directory, press C-d.

IIRC this is ido all the way, flx brings nothing new to the table.


Hmm. Maybe the wrong forum for this but can I make ido open directories with enter? These extra keys get in the way