lewang / flx

Fuzzy matching for Emacs ... a la Sublime Text.

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loss of functionality with version flx-ido-20140630.2152

gtms opened this issue · comments

Upon upgrading to the version 20140630.2152, I notice significant loss if functionality with the flx-ido package. For instance, where

M-x R

would normally highlight an ess-R process as top match, now I get a strange selection of options (see attached image), none particularly related with the search query. This forces me to validate my query by typing C-j instead of a plain RET.


Interestingly enough, the same set of matches seems to pop up if I call for, say

M-x S

suggesting the awkward behaviour might be triggered by feeding certain single-character strings (but not any) to the matching engine.

Here's a list of minor modes enabled during the reported test experiment.

Should be fixed now. Can you confirm?

Confirmed on two independent setups. Bug fixed.
Thanks for prompt reply!