levouh / mini.nvim

Neovim plugin with collection of minimal, independent, and fast Lua modules dedicated to improve Neovim (version 0.5 and higher) experience

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Collection of minimal, independent, and fast Lua modules dedicated to improve Neovim (version 0.5 and higher) experience. Each module can be considered as a separate sub-plugin.

Table of contents


  • Using wbthomason/packer.nvim:

    use 'echasnovski/mini.nvim'
  • Using junegunn/vim-plug:

    Plug 'echasnovski/mini.nvim'
  • Each module is independent and implemented within single file. You can copy corresponding file from 'lua/mini/' directory to your '.config/nvim/lua' directory and use it from there.

Don't forget to call module's setup() (if required) to enable its functionality.

General principles

  • Design. Each module is designed to solve a particular problem targeting balance between feature-richness (handling as many edge-cases as possible) and simplicity of implementation/support. Granted, not all of them ended up with the same balance, but it is the goal nevertheless.
  • Independence. Modules are independent of each other and can be run without external dependencies. Although some of them may need dependencies for full experience.
  • Structure. Each module is a submodule for a placeholder "mini" module. So, for example, "surround" module should be referred to as "mini.surround". As later will be explained, this plugin can also be referred to as "MiniSurround".
  • Setup:
    • Each module (if needed) should be setup separately with require(<name of module>).setup({}) (possibly replace {} with your config table or omit to use defaults). You can supply only values which differ from defaults, which will be used for the rest ones.
    • Call to module's setup() always creates a global Lua object with coherent camel-case name: require('mini.suround').setup() creates _G.MiniSurround. This allows for a simpler usage of plugin functionality: instead of require('mini.surround') use MiniSurround; available from v:lua like v:lua.MiniSurround. Considering this, "module" and "Lua object" names can be used interchangeably: 'mini.surround' and 'MiniSurround' will mean the same thing.
    • Each supplied config table (aft) is stored in config field of global object. Like MiniSurround.config.
    • Values of config, which affect runtime activity, can be changed on the fly to have effect. For example, MiniSurround.config.n_lines can be changed during runtime; but changing MiniSurround.config.mappings won't have any effect (as mappings are created once during setup()).
  • Disabling. Each module's core functionality can be disabled globally or buffer-locally by creating appropriate global or buffer-scoped variables with v:true value. For example:
    • To disable MiniSurround globally run :let g:minisurround_disable=v:true.
    • To disable MiniSurround for current buffer run :let b:minisurround_disable=v:true.
    • To toggle MiniSurround globally (disable if enabled, enable if disabled) use of Lua is more appropriate: :lua vim.g.minisurround_disable = not vim.g.minisurround_disable.
  • Highlight groups. Appearance of module's output is controlled by certain highlight group (see :h highlight-groups). To customize them, use highlight command. Note: currently not many Neovim themes support this plugin's highlight groups; fixing this situation is highly appreciated. To see a more calibrated look, use MiniBase16 or plugin's colorscheme minischeme.
  • Stability. Each module upon release is considered to be relatively stable: both in terms of setup and functionality. Any non-bugfix backward-incompatible change will be released gradually as much as possible.

Plugin colorscheme

This plugin comes with an official colorscheme named minischeme. This is a MiniBase16 theme created with faster version of the following Lua code: require('mini.base16').setup({palette = palette, name = 'minischeme', use_cterm = true}) where palette is:

  • For dark 'background': require('mini.base16').mini_palette('#112641', '#e2e98f', 75)
  • For light 'background': require('mini.base16').mini_palette('#e2e5ca', '#002a83', 75)

Activate it as a regular colorscheme.

All examples use this colorscheme.



Fast implementation of chriskempson/base16 theme for manually supplied palette. Has unique palette generator which needs only background and foreground colors.

Default config:

  -- Table with names from `base00` to `base0F` and values being strings of HEX
  -- colors with format "#RRGGBB". NOTE: this should be explicitly supplied in
  -- `setup()`.
  palette = nil,

  -- Name of applied theme (stored in `g:colors_name`)
  name = 'base16-custom',

 -- Whether to support cterm colors. Can be boolean, `nil` (same as `false`),
 -- or table with cterm colors. See `setup()` documentation for more
 -- information.
  use_cterm = nil,

For more information, read 'mini.base16' section of help file.

Plugins with similar functionality:


Buffer removing (unshow, delete, wipeout) while saving window layout.

Default config:

  -- Whether to set Vim's settings for buffers (allow hidden buffers)
  set_vim_settings = true,

For more information, read 'mini.bufremove' section of help file.

Plugins with similar functionality:


Fast and familiar per-line code commenting.

Default config:

  -- Module mappings. Use `''` (empty string) to disable one.
  mappings = {
    -- Toggle comment (like `gcip` - comment inner paragraph) for both
    -- Normal and Visual modes
    comment = 'gc',

    -- Toggle comment on current line
    comment_line = 'gcc',

    -- Define 'comment' textobject (like `dgc` - delete whole comment block)
    textobject = 'gc',

For more information, read 'mini.comment' section of help file.

Plugins with similar functionality:


Async (with customizable 'debounce' delay) 'two-stage chain completion': first builtin LSP, then configurable fallback. Also has functionality for completion item info and function signature (both in floating window appearing after customizable delay).

Default config:

  -- Delay (debounce type, in ms) between certain Neovim event and action.
  -- This can be used to (virtually) disable certain automatic actions by
  -- setting very high delay time (like 10^7).
  delay = {completion = 100, info = 100, signature = 50},

  -- Maximum dimensions of floating windows for certain actions. Action entry
  -- should be a table with 'height' and 'width' fields.
  window_dimensions = {
    info = {height = 25, width = 80},
    signature = {height = 25, width = 80}

  -- Way of how module does LSP completion:
  -- - `source_func` should be one of 'completefunc' or 'omnifunc'.
  -- - `auto_setup` should be boolean indicating if LSP completion is set up on
  --   every `BufEnter` event.
  -- - `process_items` should be a function which takes LSP
  --   'textDocument/completion' response items and word to complete. Its
  --   output should be a table of the same nature as input items. The most
  --   common use-cases are custom filtering and sorting. You can use
  --   default `process_items` as `MiniCompletion.default_process_items()`.
  lsp_completion = {
    source_func = 'completefunc',
    auto_setup = true,
    process_items = --<function: filters 'not snippets' by prefix and sorts by LSP specification>,

  -- Fallback action. It will always be run in Insert mode. To use Neovim's
  -- built-in completion (see `:h ins-completion`), supply its mapping as
  -- string. For example, to use 'whole lines' completion, supply '<C-x><C-l>'.
  fallback_action = --<function equivalent to '<C-n>' completion>,

  -- Module mappings. Use `''` (empty string) to disable one. Some of them
  -- might conflict with system mappings.
  mappings = {
    force_twostep  = '<C-Space>', -- Force two-step completion
    force_fallback = '<A-Space>'  -- Force fallback completion

  -- Whether to set Vim's settings for better experience (modifies
  -- `shortmess` and `completeopt`)
  set_vim_settings = true

For more information, read 'mini.completion' section of help file.

Plugins with similar functionality:


Automatic highlighting of word under cursor (displayed after customizable delay).

Default config:

 -- Delay (in ms) between when cursor moved and when highlighting appeared
 delay = 100,

For more information, read 'mini.cursorword' section of help file.

Plugins with similar functionality:


Functions for fast and simple fuzzy matching. It has not only functions to perform fuzzy matching of one string to others, but also a sorter for nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim.

Default config:

  -- Maximum allowed value of match features (width and first match). All
  -- feature values greater than cutoff can be considered "equally bad".
  cutoff = 100,

For more information, read 'mini.fuzzy' section of help file.

Plugins with similar functionality:


Collection of miscellaneous useful functions. Like put() and put_text() which print Lua objects to command line and current buffer respectively.

Default config:

  -- List of fields to make global (to be used as independent variables)
  make_global = { 'put', 'put_text' },

For more information, read 'mini.misc' section of help file.


Autopairs plugin which has minimal defaults and functionality to do per-key expression mappings.

Default config:

  -- In which modes mappings should be created
  modes = {insert = true, command = false, terminal = false}

For more information, read 'mini.pairs' section of help file.

Plugins with similar functionality:


Minimal and fast statusline. Has ability to use custom content supplied with concise function (using module's provided section functions) along with builtin default. For full experience needs Nerd font, lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim plugin, and kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons plugin (but works without any them).

Default config:

  -- Content of statusline as functions which return statusline string. See `:h
  -- statusline` and code of default contents (used when `nil` is supplied).
  content = {
    -- Content for active window
    active = nil,

    -- Content for inactive window(s)
    inactive = nil,

  -- Whether to set Vim's settings for statusline (make it always shown)
  set_vim_settings = true,

For more information, read 'mini.statusline' section of help file.

Plugins with similar functionality:


Fast surround plugin. Add, delete, replace, find, highlight surrounding (like pair of parenthesis, quotes, etc.). Has special "function call", "tag", and "interactive" surroundings. Supports dot-repeatability, textobject, motions.

Default config:

  -- Number of lines within which surrounding is searched
  n_lines = 20,

  -- Duration (in ms) of highlight when calling `MiniSurround.highlight()`
  highlight_duration = 500,

  -- Pattern to match function name in 'function call' surrounding
  -- By default it is a string of letters, '_' or '.'
  funname_pattern = '[%w_%.]+',

  -- Mappings. Use `''` (empty string) to disable one.
  mappings = {
    add = 'sa',           -- Add surrounding
    delete = 'sd',        -- Delete surrounding
    find = 'sf',          -- Find surrounding (to the right)
    find_left = 'sF',     -- Find surrounding (to the left)
    highlight = 'sh',     -- Highlight surrounding
    replace = 'sr',       -- Replace surrounding
    update_n_lines = 'sn' -- Update `n_lines`

For more information, read 'mini.surround' section of help file.

Plugins with similar functionality:


Minimal tabline which shows listed (see :h buflisted) buffers in case of one tab and falls back to default otherwise. For full experience needs kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons.

Default config:

  -- Whether to show file icons (requires 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons')
  show_icons = true,

  -- Whether to set Vim's settings for tabline (make it always shown and
  -- allow hidden buffers)
  set_vim_settings = true

For more information, read 'mini.tabline' section of help file.

Plugins with similar functionality:


Automatic highlighting of trailing whitespace with functionality to remove it.

Default config:

{} -- (currently nothing to configure)

For more information, read 'mini.trailspace' section of help file.

Plugins with similar functionality:

Planned modules

This is the list of modules I currently intend to implement eventually (as my free time and dedication will allow):

  • 'mini.startscreen' (or 'mini.starter', or 'mini.menu') - fast and configurable startscreen with some unique features. Something like start screen of mhinz/vim-startify.
  • 'mini.sessions' - work with sessions (save, load, delete, persistent sessions). Something like session management of mhinz/vim-startify.
  • 'mini.terminal' (or 'mini.repl') - coherently manage terminal windows and send text from buffers to terminal windows. Something like kassio/neoterm.
  • 'mini.exchange' (or 'mini.swap') - exchange two regions of text. Something like tommcdo/vim-exchange.
  • 'mini.align' - fast text alignment. Something like tommcdo/vim-lion.
  • 'mini.arguments' - work with listed arguments. Something like FooSoft/vim-argwrap and AndrewRadev/sideways.vim.
  • 'mini.tree' - file tree explorer. Truncated version of kyazdani42/nvim-tree.


Neovim plugin with collection of minimal, independent, and fast Lua modules dedicated to improve Neovim (version 0.5 and higher) experience

License:MIT License


Language:Lua 100.0%