letsar / flutter_staggered_grid_view

A Flutter staggered grid view

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Grid items repositioning

uberchilly opened this issue · comments

I have a situation where my items are cards that can be expanded to show more info and this behavior can cause the masonry grid to recalculate the positions of the items, and the item that the user is currently interacting with can jump to a totally different place in the grid causing weird user experience. Is there anything that can be done to prevent this behavior? Can items stay in the same place after their initial position has been calculated?

I have same issue. Is there any fix for this?

when i call setState, some items in MasonryGridView.count swap positions.

I have same issue. Is there any fix for this?

@uberchilly @khaven @koperdasV any of you ever solved this?

did you solve that problem? It happened to me

@qiaodongliang we eventually abandoned the grid and just used some Rows and Columns