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Type inference of `Storage` broken on `Action::new_unsync`

gbj opened this issue · comments

Action::new_unsync(move |()| async move {
94  |       let t = Action::new_unsync(move |()| async move {
    |  _________^___-
95  | |         todo!();
96  | |     });
    | |______- type must be known at this point
    = note: multiple `impl`s satisfying `_: leptos::prelude::Storage<ArcAction<(), ()>>` found in the `reactive_graph` crate:
            - impl<T> leptos::prelude::Storage<T> for LocalStorage
              where T: 'static;
            - impl<T> leptos::prelude::Storage<T> for SyncStorage
              where T: std::marker::Send, T: std::marker::Sync, T: 'static;
note: required by a bound in `leptos::prelude::Action::<I, O, S>::new_unsync`
   --> reactive_graph-0.1.0\src\actions\action.rs:966:8
966 |     S: Storage<ArcAction<I, O>>,
    |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ required by this bound in `Action::<I, O, S>::new_unsync`
973 |     pub fn new_unsync<F, Fu>(action_fn: F) -> Self
    |            ---------- required by a bound in this associated function

This also seems to be occurring for Signal when using impl<T> From<ReadSignal<T>> for Signal<T>.