leptos-rs / book

The home for the Leptos book, which can be found deployed at https://book.leptos.dev

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Codesandbox highjacks scrolling on page load

ijsnow opened this issue · comments

When you go to a new page in the book that contains an example in codesandbox, the page jumps down to the codesandbox element when it loads. The interactive examples are a great addition but those are often at the bottom of the page and its pretty disorienting when a new page loads to be jumped around, especially to the bottom.

And on mobile (firefox mobile), it seems to also do that more then once (not sure why) with the added issue of displaying the on-screen keyboard.

Also, likely a duplicate of #1

Hm kind of surprised its only on FF (not only linux, I'm on osx) but yea seems like a duplicate. I figured it was some undesirable default feature of code sandbox but I guess its more complicated! I'll close this for #1