leoleovich / graphite2monitoring

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This service is taking metric -m from graphite server -U, authenticated by -u with token -a with timerange from -range1From untill -range1Until and compare it with timerange between -range2From and -range2Until
If there is increasing more, than -wi it will exit with code 1 and if more, than -ci - with exit code 2.
Same for decreasing with arguments -wd and -cd
Also exit message will be percentage of the difference between time ranges.


This service will analyze metrics from graphite in one of next modes:

  • percent (default):
    takes mertic within range1 (from-until) and range2 (from-until)
    and count as percent 2 metric from the 1st one (2nd*100/1st)
  • absolute:
    simular to percent, but with absolute values (2nd-1st)
  • absoluteSingle:
    tales metric only within range1 (from-until) All of these methods print the result and give you exit code according nagios standards

Warning limits include (intersect) threshold you specify (<= or >=) and criticals do not


  • -U string Base address of your graphite server e.g. https://graphite.protury.info/
  • -u string User, which has rights to access Graphite
  • -p string Password to access the graphite-API. For example 'qqq'
  • -mode string Mode of analysis of metrics. E.G. percentageDiff, absoluteDiff, absoluteCmp (default "percentageDiff")
  • -ci float Increasing. Metrics above this threshold will be marked as critical (default -0.10101)
  • -wi float Increasing. Metrics above this threshold will be marked as warning (default -0.10101)
  • -cd float Decreasing. Metrics below this threshold will be marked as critical (default -0.10101)
  • -wd float Decreasing. Metrics below this threshold will be marked as warning (default -0.10101)
  • -m string Name of metric or metric filter e.g. qqqq.test.leoleovich.currentProblems
  • -range1From int Amount of seconds ago for the 1st range (from) (default 90000) = 1 day and 1 hour
  • -range1Until int Amount of seconds ago for the 1st range (until) (default 86400) = 1 day
  • -range2From int Amount of seconds ago for the 2st range (from) (default 3600) = 1 hour
  • -range2Until int Amount of seconds ago for the 2st range (until) (default 0) = current time
  • -d Debug mode will print a lot of additinal info


  • graphite2monitoring -U 'https://graphite.protury.info/' -mode 'absoluteCmp' -m 'sumSeries(offset(scale(all.about.money*,0),1))' -wd '-0.10101' -cd '1' -wi '3' -ci '-0.10101' -range1From '1800' -range1Until '0' -range2From '1800' -range2Until 0
    Metric is ok (low limits (1.00 -0.10) < 2.00 < high limits (3.00 -0.10))
    echo $?
  • graphite2monitoring -U 'https://graphite.protury.info/' -mode 'absoluteCmp' -m 'sumSeries(offset(scale(all.about.money*,0),1))' -wd '-0.10101' -cd '1' -wi '2' -ci '-0.10101' -range1From '1800' -range1Until '0' -range2From '1800' -range2Until 0
    Metric is above warning threshold (2.00 => 2.00)
    echo $?
  • graphite2monitoring -U 'https://graphite.protury.info/' -mode 'absoluteCmp' -m 'sumSeries(offset(scale(all.about.money*,0),1))' -wd '-0.10101' -cd '3' -wi '4' -ci '-0.10101' -range1From '1800' -range1Until '0' -range2From '1800' -range2Until 0
    Metric is below critical threshold (2.00 < 3.00)
    echo $?


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 100.0%